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Spirit Of Universal Love

  • 1 Spirit Of Universal Love

    Religion: SOUL

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > Spirit Of Universal Love

  • 2 SOUL

    1) Компьютерная техника: Smalltalk Open Unification Language
    2) Религия: Spirit Of Universal Love
    3) Музыка: Singers Of United Lands

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > SOUL

  • 3 Soul

    1) Компьютерная техника: Smalltalk Open Unification Language
    2) Религия: Spirit Of Universal Love
    3) Музыка: Singers Of United Lands

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > Soul

  • 4 soul

    1) Компьютерная техника: Smalltalk Open Unification Language
    2) Религия: Spirit Of Universal Love
    3) Музыка: Singers Of United Lands

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > soul

  • 5 महा _mahā

    महा A cow.
    महा The substitute of महत् at the beginning of Karmadhāraya and Bahuvrīhi compounds, and also at the beginning of some other irregular words. (Note: The number of compounds of which महा is the first mem- ber is very large, and may be multiplied ad infinitum. The more important of them, or such as have peculiar significations, are given below.)
    -Comp. -अक्षः an epithet of Śiva. ˚पटलिक a chief keeper of archives.
    -अङ्ग a. huge, bulky.
    -(ङ्गः) 1 a camel.
    -2 a kind of rat.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -अञ्जनः N. of a mountain.
    -अत्ययः a great danger or calamity.
    -अध्वनिक a. 'having gone a long way', dead.
    -अध्वरः a great sacrifice.
    -अनसम् 1 a heavy carriage.
    -2 cooking utensils. (
    -सी) a kitchen-maid. (
    -सः, -सम्) a kitchen; सूपानस्य करिष्यामि कुशलो$स्मि महानसे Mb.4.2.2.
    -अनिलः a whirl- wind; महानिलेनेव निदाघजं रजः Ki.14.59.
    -अनुभाव a.
    1 of great prowess, dignified, noble, glorious, magnanimous, exalted, illustrious; ग्रहीतुमार्यान् परिचर्यया मुहुर्महानु- भावा हि नितान्तमर्थिनः Śi.1.17; Ś.3.
    -2 virtuous, righteous, just.
    (-वः) 1 a worthy or respectable person.
    -2 (pl.) people of a religious sect in Mahārāṣtra founded by Chakradhara in the 13th century.
    -अन्तकः 1 death.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्धकारः 1 thick darkness.
    -2 gross (spiritual) ignorance.
    -अन्ध्राः (pl.) N. of a people and their country.
    -अन्वय, -अभिजन a. nobly-born, of noble birth. (
    -यः, -नः) noble birth, high descent.
    -अभिषवः the great extraction of Soma.
    -अमात्यः the chief or prime minister (of a king).
    -अम्बुकः an epithet of Śiva.
    -अम्बुजम् a billion.
    -अम्ल a. very sour. (
    -म्लम्) the fruit of the tamarind tree. अरण्यम् a great (dreary) forest, large forest.
    -अर्घ a. very costly, costing a high price; महार्घस्तीर्थानामिव हि महतां को$प्यतिशयः U.6.11. (
    -र्घः) a kind of quail.
    -अर्घ्य a.
    1 valuable, precious.
    -2 invaluable; ines- timable; see महार्ह below.
    -अर्चिस् a. flaming high.
    -अर्णवः 1 the great ocean.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 rich.
    -2 great, noble, dignified.
    -3 important, weighty.
    -4 significant.
    -अर्बुदम् one thousand millions.
    -अर्ह a.
    1 very valuable, very costly; महार्हशय्यापरिवर्तनच्युतैः स्वकेशपुष्पैरपि या स्म दूयते Ku.5.12.
    -2 invaluable, inestimable; महार्हशयनोपेत किं शेषे निहतो भुवि Rām.6.19. 2. (
    -र्हम्) white sandal-wood.
    -अवरोहः the fig-tree.
    -अशनिध्वजः a great banner in the form of the thunderbolt; जहार चान्येन मयूरपत्रिणा शरेण शक्रस्य महाशनि- ध्वजम् R.3.56.
    - अशन a. voracious, gluttonous; Mb. 4.
    -अश्मन् m. a precious stone, ruby.
    -अष्टमी the eighth day in the bright half of Āśvina sacred to Durgā; आश्विने शुक्लपक्षस्य भवेद् या तिथिरष्टमी । महाष्टमीति सा प्रोक्ता......
    -असिः a large sword.
    -असुरी N. of Durgā.
    -अह्नः the afternoon.
    -आकार a. extensive, large, great.
    -आचार्यः 1 a great teacher.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -आढ्य a. wealthy, very rich. (
    -ढ्यः) the Kadamba tree.
    -आत्मन् a.
    1 high-souled, high-minded, magnanimous, noble; अयं दुरात्मा अथवा महात्मा कौटिल्यः Mu.7; द्विषन्ति मन्दाश्चरितं महात्मनाम् Ku.5.75; U.1.49; प्रकृतिसिद्धमिदं हि महात्मनाम् Bh.1.63.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, exalted, eminent; किमाचाराः किमाहाराः क्व च वासो महात्मनाम् Mb.3. 1.4.
    -3 mighty (महाबल); अथायमस्यां कृतवान् महात्मा लङ्केश्वरः कष्टमनार्यकर्म Rām.5.9.74. (-m.)
    1 the Supreme Spirit; युगपत्तु प्रलीयन्ते यदा तस्मिन् महात्मनि Ms.1.54.
    -2 the great principle, i. e. intellect of the Sāṅkhyas. (महात्मवत् means the same as महात्मन्).
    -आनकः a kind of large drum.
    -आनन्दः, -नन्दः 1 great joy or bliss.
    -2 espe- cially, the great bliss of final beatitude.
    (-न्दा) 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 a festival on the ninth day in the bright half of Māgha.
    -आपगा a great river.
    -आयुधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आरम्भ a. undertaking great works, enterprizing. (
    -म्भः) any great enterprize.
    -आलयः 1 a temple in general.
    -2 a sanctuary, an asylum.
    -3 a great dwelling.
    -4 a place of pilgrimage.
    -5 the world of Brahman.
    -6 the Supreme Spirit.
    -7 a tree &c. sacred to a deity.
    -8 N. of a particular dark fortnight.
    -9 पितृश्राद्ध in the month of Bhādra- pada. (
    -या) N. of a particular deity.
    - आशय a. high- souled, nobleminded, magnanimous, noble; दैवात् प्रबुद्धः शुश्राव वराहो हि महाशयः Ks; राजा हिरण्यगर्भो महाशयः H.4; see महात्मन्.
    (-यः) 1 a noble-minded or magnanimous person; महाशयचक्रवर्ती Bv.1.7.
    -2 the ocean.
    -आस्पद a.
    1 occupying a great position.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -आहवः a great or tumultuous fight.
    -इच्छ a.
    1 magnanimous, noble-minded, high-souled, noble; मही महेच्छः परिकीर्य सूनौ R.18.33.
    -2 having lofty aims or aspirations, ambitious; विद्यावतां महेच्छानां...... नाश्रयः पार्थिवं विना Pt.1.37.
    -इन्द्रः 1 'the great Indra', N. of Indra; इयं महेन्द्रप्रभृतीनधिश्रियः Ku.5.53; R.13.2; Ms.7.7.
    -2 a chief or leader in general.
    -3 N. of a mountain range; पतिर्महेन्द्रस्य महोदधेश्च R.6.54;4.39,43. ˚चापः rain-bow. ˚नगरी N. of Amarāvatī, the capital of Indra. ˚मन्त्रिन् m. an epithet of Bṛihaspati. ˚वाहः the elephant Airāvata; महेन्द्रवाहप्रतिमो महात्मा Mb.9.17.52.
    -इभ्य a. very rich.
    -इषुः a great archer; अधिरोहति गाण्डीवं महेषौ Ki.13.16.
    -इष्वासः a great archer, a great warrior; अत्र शूरा महेष्वासा भामार्जुनसमा युधि Bg.1.4.
    -ईशः, -ईशानः N. of Śiva; महेशस्त्वां धत्ते शिरसि रसराजस्य जयिनीम् Udb. ˚बन्धुः the Bilva tree.
    -ईशानी N. of Pārvatī.
    -ईश्वरः 1 a great lord, sovereign; महेश्वरस्त्र्यम्बक एव नापरः R.; गोप्तारं न निधीनां कथयन्ति महेश्वरं विबुधाः Pt.2.74.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 a god (opp. प्रकृति).
    -5 the Supreme Being (परमात्मा); मायां तु प्रकृतिं विद्यान्मायिनं तु महेश्वरम् Śvet. Up.4.1. ˚सखः N. of Kubera; यया कैलासभवने महेश्वरसखं बली Mb.9.11.55.
    (-री) 1 N. of Durgā.
    -2 a kind of bell-metal.
    -उक्षः (for उक्षन्) a large bull; a full grown or strong bull; महोक्षतां वत्सतरः स्पृशन्निव R.3.32;4.22;6.72; Śi.5.63.
    -उत्पलम् a large blue lotus. (
    -लः) the Sārasa bird.
    -उत्सवः 1 a great festival or occasion of joy; नयनविषयं जन्मन्येकः स एव महोत्सवः Māl.1.36.
    -2 the god of love.
    -उत्साह a. possessed of great energy, energetic, persevering; अहं च कर्णं जानामि...... सत्यसंधं महोत्साहं...... Mb.3.91.2.
    (-हः) 1 perseverance.
    -2 great pride; ये जात्यादिमहो- त्साहान्नरेन्द्रान्नोपयान्ति च । तेषामामरणं भिक्षा प्रायश्चितं विनिर्मितम् ॥ Pt.1.38.
    -उदधिः 1 the great ocean; महोदधेः पूर इवेन्दु- दर्शनात् R.3.17.
    -2 an epithet of Indra. ˚जः a conch- shell, shell.
    - उदय a. very prosperous or lucky, very glorious or splendid, of great prosperity.
    (-यः) 1 (a) great elevation or rise, greatness, prosperity; नन्दस्त्वतीन्द्रियं दृष्ट्वा लोकपालमहोदयम् Bhāg.1.28.1; अपवर्ग- महोदयार्थयोर्भुवमंशाविव धर्मयोर्गतौ R.8.16. (b) great fortune or good luck. (c) greatness, pre-eminence.
    -2 final beatitude.
    -3 a lord, master.
    -4 N. of the district called Kānyakubja or Kanouja; see App.
    -5 N. of the capital of Kanouja.
    -6 sour milk mixed with honey.
    -7 = महात्मन् q. v.; संसक्तौ किमसुलभं महोदयानाम Ki.7.27. ˚पर्वन् a time of union of the middle of श्रवण नक्षत्र and the end of व्यतिपात (generally in the month of माघ or पौष at the beginning of अमावास्या).
    - उदर a. big-bellied, corpulent.
    -(रम्) 1 a big belly.
    -2 dropsy.
    -उदार a.
    1 very generous or magnanimous.
    -2 mighty, powerful.
    -उद्यम a. = महोत्साह q. v; महोद्यमाः कर्म समा- रभन्ते.
    -उद्योग a. very industrious or diligent, hard- working.
    -उद्रेकः a particular measure (= 4 प्रस्थs).
    -उन्नत a. exceedingly lofty. (
    -तः) the palmyra tree.
    -उन्नतिः f. great rise or elevation (fig. also), high rank.
    -उपकारः a great obligation.
    -उपाध्यायः a great preceptor, a learned teacher.
    -उरगः a great serpent; वपुर्महोरगस्येव करालफणमण्डलम् R.12.98.
    -उरस्क a. broad-chested. (
    -स्कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -उर्मिन् m. the ocean; ततः सागरमासाद्य कुक्षौ तस्य महोर्मिणः Mb.3.2.17.
    -उल्का 1 a great meteor.
    -2 a great fire-brand.
    -ऋत्विज् m. 'great priest', N. of the four chief sacri- ficial priests.
    -ऋद्धि a. very prosperous, opulent. (-f.) great prosperity or affluence.
    -ऋषभः a great bull.
    -ऋषिः 1 a great sage or saint; यस्मादृषिः परत्वेन महांस्त- स्मान्महर्षयः; (the term is applied in Ms.1.34 to the ten Prajāpatis or patriarchs of mankind, but it is also used in the general sense of 'a great sage').
    -2 N. of Sacute;iva.
    -3 of Buddha.
    -ओघ a. having a strong current.
    -घः a very large number; शतं खर्व- सहस्राणां समुद्रमभिधीयते । शतं समुद्रसाहस्रं महौघमिति विश्रुतम् ॥ Rām.6.28.37.
    -ओष्ठ (महोष्ठ) a. having large lips. (
    -ष्ठः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -ओजस् a. very mighty or powerful, possessed of great splendour or glory; महौजसा मानधना धनार्चिताः Ki.1.19. (-m.) a great hero or warrior, a champion. (-n.) great vigour.
    -ओजसम् the discus of Viṣṇu (सुदर्शन). (
    -सी) N. of plant (Mar. कांगणी).
    -ओदनी Asparagus Racemosus (Mar. शतावरी).
    -ओषधिः f.
    1 a very efficacious medicinal plant, a sovereign drug.
    -2 the Dūrvā grass.
    -3 N. of various plants ब्राह्मी, श्वेतकण्टकारी, कटुका, अतिविष &c. ˚गणः a collection of great or medicinal herbs:-- पृश्निपर्णी श्यामलता भृङ्गराजः शतावरी । गुड्चा सहदेवी च महौषधिगणः स्मृतः ॥ cf. also सहदेवी तथा व्याघ्री बला चातिबला त्वचा । शङ्खपुष्पी तथा सिंही अष्टमी च सुवर्चला ॥ महौषध्यष्टकं प्रोक्तं....
    -औषधम् 1 a sovereign remedy, panacea.
    -2 ginger.
    -3 garlic.
    -4 a kind of poison (वत्सनाभ).
    -कच्छः 1 the sea.
    -2 N. of Varuṇa.
    -3 a mountain.
    -कन्दः garlic.
    -कपर्दः a kind of shell.
    -कपित्थः 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 red garlic.
    -कम्बु a. stark naked. (
    -म्बुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर a.
    1 large-handed.
    -2 having a large revenue.
    -कर्णः an epithet of Śiva.
    -कर्मन् a. doing great works. (-m.) an epithet of Śiva.
    -कला the night of the new moon.
    -कल्पः a great cycle of time (1 years of Brahman); Bhāg.7.15.69.
    -कविः 1 a great poet, a classical poet, such as कालिदास, भवभूति, बाण, भारवि &c.
    -2 an epithet of Śukra.
    -कषायः N. of a plant (Mar. कायफळ).
    -कान्तः an epithet of Śiva. (
    -ता) the earth.
    -काय a. big-bodied, big, gigantic, bulky.
    (-यः) 1 an elephant.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu.
    -4 of a being attending on Śiva (= नन्दि).
    -कारुणिक a. exceedingly compassionate.
    -कार्तिकी the night of full-moon in the month of Kārtika.
    -कालः 1 a form of Śiva in his character as the destroyer of the world; महाकालं यजेद्देव्या दक्षिणे धूम्रवर्णकम् Kālītantram.
    -2 N. of a cele- brated shrine or temple of Śiva (Mahākāla) (one of the 12 celebrated Jyotirliṅgas) established at Ujjayinī (immortalized by Kālidāsa in his Meghadūta, which gives a very beautiful description of the god, his temple, worship &c., together with a graphic picture of the city; cf. Me.3-38; also R.6.34); महाकालनिवासिनं कालीविलासिनमनश्वरं महेश्वरं समाराध्य Dk.1.1.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -4 N. of a kind of gourd.
    -5 N. of Śiva's servant (नन्दि). ˚पुरम् the city of Ujjayinī. ˚फलम् a red fruit with black seeds; पक्वं महाकालफलं किलासीत् N.22.29.
    -काली an epithet of Durgā in her terrific form.
    -काव्यम् a great or classical poem; (for a full description of its nature, contents &c., according to Rhetoricians see S. D.559). (The number of Mahākāvyas is usually said to be five:-- रघुवंश, कुमारसंभव, किरातार्जुनीय, शिशुपालवध and नैषधचरित or six, if मेघदूत-- a very small poem or खण़्डकाव्य-- be added to the list. But this enumeration is apparently only traditional, as there are several other poems, such as the भट्टिकाव्य, विक्रमाङ्कदेवचरित, हरविजय &c. which have an equal claim to be considered as Mahākāvyas).
    -कीर्तनम् a house.
    -कुमारः the eldest son of a reigning prince, heir-apparent.
    -कुल, -कुलीन a. of noble birth or descent, sprung from a noble family, nobly born. (
    -लम्) a noble birth or family, high descent.
    -कुहः a species of parasitical worm.
    -कृच्छ्रम् a great penance.
    -केतुः N. of Śiva.
    -केशः, -कोशः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 a large sheath.
    -क्रतुः a great sacrifice; e. g. a horse-sacrifice; तदङ्गमग्ऱ्यं मघवन् महाक्रतोरमुं तुरङ्गं प्रतिमोक्तुमर्हसि R.3.46.
    -क्रमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -क्रोधः an epithet of Śiva.
    -क्षत्रपः a great satrap.
    -क्षीरः sugar-cane.
    -क्षीरा f. a She-buffalo; Nighaṇṭaratnākara.
    -खर्वः, -र्वम् a high number (ten billions ?).
    -गजः a great elephant; see दिक्करिन्.
    -गणपतिः a form of the god Gaṇeśa.
    -गदः fever.
    -गन्ध a. exceedingly fragrant. (
    -न्धः) a kind of cane. (
    -न्धम्) a kind of sandal- wood. (
    -न्धा) N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -गर्तः, -गर्भः -गीतः N. of Śiva.
    -गर्दभगन्धिका N. of a plant, भारङ्गी.
    -गल a. longnecked.
    -गवः Bos gavaeus.
    -गुण a. very efficacious, sovereign (as a medicine); त्वया ममैष संबन्धः कपिमुख्य महागुणः Rām.5.1.12. (
    -णः) a chief quality, cardinal virtue.
    -गुरुः a highly respectable or venerable person; (these are three, the father, mother and preceptor; पिता माता तथाचार्यो महागुरुरिति स्मृतः).
    -गुल्मा the Soma plant.
    -गृष्टिः f. a cow with a large hump.
    -ग्रहः 1 an epithet of Rāhu.
    -2 the sun; महाग्रहग्राहविनष्टपङ्कः Rām.5.5.6.
    -ग्रामः N. of the ancient capital of Ceylon, the modern Māgama.
    -ग्रीवः 1 a camel.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -ग्रीविन् m. a camel.
    -घूर्णा spirituous liquor.
    -घृतम् ghee kept for a long time (for medicinal purposes).
    -घोष a. noisy, loud-sounding. (
    -षम्) a market, fair. (
    -षः) a loud noise, clamour.
    -चक्रम् the mystic circle in the शाक्त ceremonial.
    -चक्रवर्तिन् m. a universal monarch.
    -चण्डा N. of Chāmuṇḍā.
    -चपला a kind of metre.
    -चमूः f. a large army.
    -छायः the fig-tree.
    -जङ्घः a camel.
    -जटः an epithet of Śiva.
    -जटा 1 a great braid of hair.
    -2 the matted hair of Śiva.
    -जत्रु a. having a great collar-bone. (
    -त्रुः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -जनः 1 a multitude of men, a great many beings, the general populace or public; महाजनो येन गतः स पन्थाः Mb.3.313. 117; आगम्य तु ततो राजा विसृज्य च महाजनम् 6.98.25.
    -2 the populace, mob; विलोक्य वृद्धोक्षमधिष्ठितं त्वया महाजनः स्मेरमुखो भविष्यति Ku.5.7.
    -3 a great man, a distinguished or eminent man; महाजनस्य संसर्गः कस्य नोन्नतिकारकः । पद्मपत्रस्थितं तोयं धत्ते मुक्ताफलश्रियम् Pt.3.6.
    -4 the chief of a caste or trade.
    -5 a merchant, tradesman.
    -जवः an antelope.
    -जातीय a.
    1 rather large.
    -2 of an excellent kind.
    -जालिः, -ली N. of a plant (Mar. सोनामुखी)
    -जिह्वः an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्ञानिन् m.
    1 a very learned man.
    -2 a great sage.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -ज्यैष्ठी the day of fullmoon in the month of Jyeṣṭha; ताभिर्दृश्यत एष यान् पथि महाज्यैष्ठीमहे मन्महे N.15.89; पूर्णिमा रविवारेण महाज्यैष्ठी प्रकीर्तिता Agni P.121.63.
    -ज्योतिस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -ज्वरः great affliction.
    -ज्वाल a. very brilliant or shining.
    (-लः) 1 N. of Śiva.
    -2 a sacrificial fire.
    -डीनम् a kind of flight; 'यानं महाडीनमाहुः पवित्रामूर्जितां गतिम्' Mb.8.41.27 (com.).
    -तपस् m.
    1 a great ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -तलम् N. of one of the seven lower regions; see पाताल.
    -तारा N. of a Buddhist goddess.
    -तिक्तः the Nimba tree.
    -तिथिः the 6th day of a lunation.
    -तीक्ष्ण a. exceedingly sharp or pungent. (
    -क्ष्णा) the marking- nut plant.
    -तेजस् a.
    1 possessed of great lustre or splendour.
    -2 very vigorous or powerful, heroic. (-m.)
    1 a hero, warrior.
    -2 fire.
    -3 an epithet of Kārtikeya. (-n.) quick-silver.
    -त्याग, -त्यागिन् a. very generous. (-m.) N. of Śiva.
    -दंष्ट्रः a species of big tiger.
    -दन्तः 1 an elephant with large tusks.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -दण्डः 1 a long arm.
    -2 a severe punishment.
    -दम्भः an epithet of Śiva.
    -दशा the influence exercised (over a man's destiny) by a predominant planet.
    -दानम् the gift of gold equal to one's own weight; अथातः संप्रवक्ष्यामि महादानस्य लक्षणम्.
    -दारु n. the devadāru tree.
    -दुर्गम् a great calamity; Pt.
    -दूषकः a kind of grain.
    -देवः N. of Śiva.
    (-वी) 1 N. of Pārvatī.
    -2 the chief queen.
    -द्रुमः the sacred fig-tree.
    -द्वारम् a large gate, the chief or outer gate of a temple.
    -धन a.
    1 rich.
    -2 expensive, costly; हेमदण्डैर्महाधनैः Rām.7. 77.13.
    (-नम्) 1 gold.
    -2 incense.
    -3 a costly or rich dress.
    -4 agriculture, husbandry.
    -5 anything costly or precious.
    -6 great booty.
    -7 a great battle (Ved.).
    -धनुस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -धातुः 1 gold.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 lymph.
    -4 N. of Meru.
    -धी a. having a great understanding.
    -धुर्यः a full-grown draught ox.
    -ध्वजः a camel.
    -ध्वनिक a. dead.
    -नग्नः an athlete; Buddh.
    -नटः an epithet of Śiva; महानटः किं नु...... तनोति...... साम्प्रतमङ्गहारम् N.22.7; महानटबाहुनेव बद्धभुजाङ्केन Vās.
    -नदः a great river.
    -नदी 1 a great river, such as Gaṅgā, Kṛiṣṇā; मन्दरः पर्वतश्चाक्षो जङ्घा तस्य महानदी Mb.8.34.2; संभूयाम्भोधिमभ्येति महानद्या नगापगा Śi.2.1.
    -2 N. of a river falling into the bay of Bengal.
    -नन्दा 1 spirituous liquor.
    -2 N. of a river.
    -3 ninth day of the bright half of the month of Māgha; माघमासस्य या शुक्ला नवमी लोकपूजिचा । महानन्देति सा प्रोक्ता....
    -नरकः N. of one of the 21 hells.
    -नलः a kind of reed.
    -नवमी the ninth day in the bright half of Āśvina, sacred to the worship of Durgā ततो$नु नवमी यस्मात् सा महानवमी स्मृता.
    -नाटकम् 'the great drama', N. of a drama, also called Hanumannāṭaka, (being popularly ascribed to Hanumat); thus defined by S. D.:-- एतदेव यदा सर्वैः पताकास्थानकैर्युतम् । अङ्कैश्च दशभिर्धीरा महानाटकमूचिरे ॥
    -नाडी sinew, tendon.
    -नादः 1 a loud sound, uproar.
    -2 a great drum.
    -3 a thunder-cloud.
    -4 a shell.
    -5 an elephant.
    -6 a lion.
    -7 the ear.
    -8 a camel.
    -9 an epithet of Śiva. (
    -दम्) a musical instrument.
    -नाम्नी 1 N. of a परिशिष्ट of Sāmaveda.
    -2 (pl.) N. of 9 verses of Sāmaveda beginning with विदा मघवन् विदा.
    -नायकः 1 a great gem in the centre of a string of pearls.
    -2 a great head or chief.
    -नासः an epithet of Śiva.
    -निद्र a. fast asleep. (
    -द्रा) 'the great sleep', death.
    -निम्नम् intestines, abdomen.
    -नियमः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -निर्वाणम् total extinction of individuality (according to the Buddhists).
    -निशा 1 the dead of night, the second and third watches of the night; महानिशा तु विज्ञेया मध्यमं प्रहरद्वयम्
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -नीचः a washerman.
    -नील a. dark-blue. (
    -लः) a kind of sapphire or emerald; इन्द्रनीलमहानीलमणिप्रवरवेदिकम् Rām.5.9.16; महा- महानीलशिलारुचः Śi.1.16;4.44; R.18.42; Kau. A.2.11. 29. ˚उपलः a sapphire.
    -नृत्यः, -नेत्रः an epithet of Śiva.
    -नेमिः a crow.
    -न्यायः the chief rule.
    -पक्ष a.
    1 having many adherents.
    -2 having a large family or retinue; महापक्षे धनिन्यार्थे निक्षेपं निक्षिपेद् बुधः Ms.8.179.
    (-क्षः) 1 an epithet of Garuḍa.
    -2 a kind of duck. (
    -क्षी) an owl.
    -पङ्क्तिः, -पदपङ्क्तिः a kind of metre.
    -पञ्चमूलम् the five great roots:-- बिल्वो$ग्निमन्थः श्योनाकः काश्मरी पाटला तथा । सर्वैस्तु मिलितैरेतैः स्यान्महापञ्चमूलकम् ॥
    -पञ्चविषम् the five great or deadly poisons:-- शृङ्गी च कालकूटश्च मुस्तको वत्सनाभकः । शङ्खकर्णीति योगो$यं महापञ्चविषाभिधः ॥
    -पटः the skin.
    -पथः 1 chief road, principal street, high or main road; संतानकाकीर्णमहापथं तत् Ku.7.3.
    -2 the passage into the next world, i. e. death.
    -3 N. of certain mountain-tops from which devout persons used to throw themselves down to secure entrance into heaven.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -5 the long pilgrimage to mount Ke- dāra.
    -6 the way to heaven.
    -7 the knowledge of the essence of Śiva acquired in the pilgrimage to Kedāra.
    -पथिक a.
    1 undertaking great journeys.
    -2 one receiving Śulka (toll) on the high way; cf. Mb.12.76.6 (com. महापथिकः समुद्रे नौयानेन गच्छन् यद्वा महापथि शुल्कग्राहकः)
    -पद्मः 1 a particular high number.
    -2 N. of Nārada.
    -3 N. of one of the nine treasures of Kubera.
    -4 N. of the southernmost elephant supporting the world.
    -5 an epithet of Nanda.
    -6 a Kinnara attendant on Kubera.
    (-द्मम्) 1 a white lotus.
    -2 N. of a city. ˚पतिः N. of Nanda.
    -पराकः a. a particular penance; Hch.
    -पराङ्णः a late hour in the afternoon.
    -पवित्रः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पशुः large cattle; महापशूनां हरणे... दण्डं प्रकल्पयेत् Ms.8.324.
    -पातः a long flight; Pt.2.58.
    -पातकम् 1 a great sin, a heinous crime; ब्रह्महत्या सुरापानं स्तेयं गुर्वङ्गनागमः । महान्ति पातकान्याहुस्तत्संसर्गश्च पञ्चमम् ॥ Ms.1154.
    -2 any great sin or transgression.
    -पात्रः a prime minister.
    -पादः an epithet of Śiva.
    -पाप्मन् a. very sinful or wicked.
    -पुराणम् N. of a Purāṇa; महापुराणं विज्ञेयमेकादशकलक्षणम् Brav. P.
    -पुंसः a great man.
    -पुरुषः 1 a great man, an eminent or distinguished personage; शब्दं महापुरुषसंविहितं निशम्य U. 6.7.
    -2 the Supreme Spirit.
    -3 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पौरुषिकः a worshipper of Viṣṇu; तदहं ते$भिधास्यामि महापौरुषिको भवान् Bhāg.2.1.1.
    -पुष्पः a kind of worm.
    -पूजा great worship; any solemn worship performed on extraordinary occasions.
    -पृष्ठः a camel.
    -पोटगलः a kind of large reed.
    -प्रजापतिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -प्रतीहारः a chief door-keeper.
    -प्रपञ्चः the great universe.
    -प्रभ a. of great lustre. (
    -भः) the light of a lamp.
    -प्रभुः 1 a great lord.
    -2 a king, sovereign.
    -3 a chief.
    -4 an epithet of Indra.
    -5 of Śiva
    -6 of Viṣṇu.
    -7 a great saint or holy man.
    -प्रलयः 'the great dissolution', the total annihilation of the universe at the end of the life of Brahman, when all the lokas with their inha- bitants, the gods, saints &c. including Brahman himself are annihilated; महाप्रलयमारुत...... Ve.3.4.
    -प्रश्नः a knotty question.
    -प्रसादः 1 a great favour.
    -2 a great present (of food offered to an idol); पादोदकं च निर्माल्यं नैवेद्यं च विशेषतः । महाप्रसाद इत्युक्त्वा ग्राह्यं विष्णोः प्रयत्नतः
    -प्रस्थानम् 1 departing this life, death.
    -2 setting out on a great journey for ending life; इहैव निधनं याम महाप्रस्थानमेव वा Rām.2.47.7 (com. महाप्रस्थानं मरणदीक्षा- पूर्वकमुत्तराभिमुखगमनम्); Mb.1.2.365.
    -प्राणः 1 the hard breathing or aspirate sound made in the pronunciation of the aspirates.
    -2 the aspirated letters themselves (pl.); they are:-- ख्, घ्, छ्, झ्, ठ्, ढ्, थ्, ध्, फ्, भ्, श्, ष्, स्, ह्.
    -3 a raven.
    -प्राणता possession of great strength or essence; अन्यांश्च जीवत एव महाप्राणतया स्फुरतो जग्राह K.
    -प्रेतः a noble departed spirit.
    -प्लवः a great flood, deluge;... क्षिप्तसागरमहाप्लवामयम् Śi.14.71.
    -फल a.
    1 bearing much fruit.
    -2 bringing much reward.
    (-ला) 1 a bitter gourd.
    -2 a kind of spear.
    (-लम्) 1 a great fruit or reward.
    -2 a testicle.
    -फेना the cuttle-fish bone.
    -बन्धः a peculiar position of hands or feet.
    -बभ्रुः a kind of animal living in holes.
    -बल a. very strong; नियुज्यमानो राज्याय नैच्छद्राज्यं महाबलः Rām
    (-लः) 1 wind, storm.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -3 a solid bamboo.
    -4 a palm.
    -5 a crocodile.
    -बला N. of a plant; महाबला च पीतपुष्पा सहदेवी च सा स्मृता Bhāva. P. (
    -लम्) lead. ˚ईश्वरः N. of a Liṅga of Śiva near the modern Mahābaleśwara.
    -बाध a. causing great pain or damage.
    -बाहु a. long-armed, powerful. (
    -हुः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -बि(वि)लम् 1 the atmosphere.
    -2 the heart.
    -3 a water-jar, pitcher.
    -4 a hole, cave.
    -बिसी a variety of skin (चर्म), a product of द्वादशग्राम in the Himālayas.
    -बी(वी)जः an epithet of Śiva.
    -बी (वी)ज्यम् the perinæum.
    -बुध्न a. having a great bottom or base (as a mountain).
    -बुशः barley.
    -बृहती a kind of metre.
    -बोधिः 1 the great intelligence of a Buddha.
    -2 a Buddha.
    -ब्रह्मम्, -ब्रह्मन् n. the Supreme Spirit.
    -ब्राह्मणः 1 a great or learned Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 a low or contemptible Brāhmaṇa.
    -भटः a great warrior; तदोजसा दैत्यमहाभटार्पितम् Bhāg.
    -भद्रा N. of the river Gaṅgā.
    -भाग a.
    1 very fortunate or blessed, very lucky or prosperous.
    -2 illustrious, distinguished, glo- rious; उभौ धर्मौ महाभागौ Mb.12.268.3; महाभागः कामं नरपतिरभिन्नस्थितिरसौ Ś.5.1; Ms.3.192.
    -3 very pure or holy, highly virtuous; पतिव्रता महाभागा कथं नु विचरिष्यति Mb.4.3.16.
    -भागता, -त्वम्, -भाग्यम् 1 extreme good fortune, great good luck, prosperity.
    -2 great excel- lence or merit.
    -भागवतम् the great Bhāgavata, one of the 18 Purāṇas. (
    -तः) a great worshipper of Viṣṇu.
    -भागिन् a. very fortunate or prosperous.
    -भाण्डम् a chief treasury.
    -भारतम् N. of the celebrated epic which describes the rivalries and contests of the sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Pāṇḍu. (It consists of 18 Parvans or books, and is said to be the composition of Vyāsa; cf. the word भारत also); महत्त्वाद्भारतत्वाच्च महाभारतमुच्यते
    -भाष्यम् 1 a great commentary.
    -2 particularly, the great commentary of Patañjali on the Sūtras of Pāṇini.
    -भासुरः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -भिक्षुः N. of Śākyamuni.
    -भीता a kind of sensitive plant (लाजाळू).
    -भीमः an epithet of king Śantanu.
    -भीरुः a sort of beetle or fly.
    -भुज a. long-armed, powerful.
    -भूतम् a great or primary element; see भूत; तस्यैतस्य महाभूतस्य निःश्वसितमेतद्यदृग्वेदः Up.; तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना R.1. 29; Ms.1.6.
    (-तः) 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 a great creature.
    -भोगः 1 a great enjoyment.
    -2 a great coil or hood; great winding.
    -3 a serpent. (
    -गा) an epi- thet of Durgā.
    -मणिः 1 a costly or precious jewel; संस्कारोल्लिखितो महामणिरिव क्षीणो$पि नालक्ष्यते Ś.6.5.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -मति a.
    1 high-minded.
    -2 clever. (
    -तिः) N. of Bṛihaspati or Jupiter.
    -मत्स्यः a large fish, sea-monster.
    -मद a. greatly intoxicated. (
    -दः) an elephant in rut.
    -मनस्, -मनस्क a.
    1 high-minded, noble- minded, magnanimous; ततो युधिष्ठिरो राजा धर्मपुत्रो महामनाः Mb.4.1.7.
    -2 liberal.
    -3 proud, haughty. (-m) a fabulous animal called शरभ q. v.
    -मन्त्रः 1 any sacred text of the Vedas.
    -2 a great or efficacious charm, a powerful spell.
    -मन्त्रिन् m. the prime-minister, premier.
    -मयूरी N. of Buddhist goddess.
    -मलहारी a kind of Rāgiṇi.
    -महः a great festive procession; Sinhās.
    -महस् n. a great light (seen in the sky).
    -महोपाध्यायः 1 a very great preceptor.
    -2 a title given to learned men and reputed scholars; e. g. महामहो- पाध्यायमल्लिनाथसूरि &c.
    -मांसम् 'costly flesh', especially human flesh; न खलु महामांसविक्रयादन्यमुपायं पश्यामि Māl.4; अशस्त्रपूतं निर्व्याजं पुरुषाङ्गोपकल्पितम् । विक्रीयते महामांसं गृह्यतां गृह्यतामिदम् 5.12 (see Jagaddhara ad loc.).
    -माघी the full-moon day in the month of Māgha.
    -मात्र a.
    1 great in measure, very great or large.
    -2 most excellent, best; वृष्ण्यन्धकमहामात्रैः सह Mb.1.221.27; 5.22.37.
    (-त्रः) 1 a great officer of state, high state- official, a chief minister; (मन्त्रे कर्मणि भूषायां वित्ते माने परिच्छदे । मात्रा च महती येषां महामात्रास्तु ते स्मृताः); Ms. 9.259; गूढपुरुषप्रणिधिः कृतमहामात्रापसर्पः (v. l. महामात्यापसर्पः) पौरजानपदानपसर्पयेत् Kau. A.1.13.9; Rām.2.37.1.
    -2 an elephant-driver or keeper; मदोन्मत्तस्य भूपस्य कुञ्जरस्य च गच्छतः । उन्मार्गं वाच्यतां यान्ति महामात्राः समीपगाः ॥ Pt.1.161.
    -3 a superintendent of elephants.
    (-त्री) 1 the wife of a chief minister.
    -2 the wife of a spiritual teacher.
    -मानसी N. of a Jain goddess.
    -मान्य a. being in great honour with; मकरन्दतुन्दिलानामरविन्दानामयं महामान्यः Bv.1.6.
    -मायः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -माया 1 worldly illusion, which makes the material world appear really existent.
    -2 N. of Durgā; महामाया हरेश्चैषा यया संमोह्यते जगत् Devīmāhātmya.
    -मायूरम् a particular drug. (
    -री) N. of an amulet and a goddess; Buddh.
    -मारी 1 cholera, an epidemic.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -मार्गः high road, main street. ˚पतिः a superintendent of roads.
    -मालः N. of Śiva.
    -माहेश्वरः a great worshipper of Maheśvara or Śiva.
    -मुखः a crocodile.
    -मुद्रा a parti- cular position of hands or feet (in practice of yoga).
    -मुनिः 1 a great sage.
    -2 N. of Vyāsa.
    -3 an epithet of Buddha.
    -4 of Agastya.
    -5 the coriander plant. (
    -नि n.)
    1 coriander seed.
    -2 any medicinal herb or drug.
    -मूर्तिः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मूर्धन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -मूलम् a large radish. (
    -लः) a kind of onion.
    -मूल्य a. very costly. (
    -ल्यः) a ruby.
    -मृगः 1 any large animal.
    -2 an elephant,
    -3 the fabulous animal called शरभ.
    -मृत्युः, -मेधः N. of Śiva.
    -मृत्युंजयः a kind of drug.
    -मृधम् a great battle.
    -मेदः the coral tree; महामेदाभिधो ज्ञेयः Bhāva. P.
    -मेधा an epithet of Durgā.
    -मोहः great infatuation or confusion of mind. (ससर्ज) महामोहं च मोहं च तमश्चाज्ञानवृत्तयः Bhāg.3.12.2. (
    -हा) an epithet of Durgā.
    -यज्ञः 'a great sacrifice', a term applied to the five daily sacrifices or acts of piety to be performed by a house-holder; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः पितृयज्ञस्तु तर्पणम् । होमो दैवो (or देवयज्ञः) बलिर्भौतो (or भूतयज्ञः) नृयज्ञो$तिथिपूजनम् ॥ Ms.3.7,71, (for explanation, see the words s. v.).
    -2 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -यमकम् 'a great Yamaka', i. e. a stanza all the four lines of which have exactly the same words, though different in sense; e. g. see Ki.15.52, where विकाशमीयुर्जगतीशमार्गणाः has four different senses; cf. also बभौ मरुत्वान् विकृतः समुद्रः Bk.1.19.
    -यशस् a. very famous, renowned, celebrated.
    -यात्रा 'the great pilgrimage', the pilgrimage to Benares.
    -यानम् N. of the later system of Buddhist teaching, firstly promul- gated by Nāgārjuna (opp. हीनयान).
    -याम्यः an epi- thet of Viṣṇu.
    -युगम् 'a great Yuga', consisting of the four Yugas of mortals, or comprising 4,32, years of men.
    -योगिन् m.
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -3 a cock.
    -योनिः f. excessive dilation of the female organ.
    -रक्तम् coral.
    -रङ्गः a large stage.
    -रजतम् 1 gold; उच्चैर्महारजतराजिविराजितासौ Śi.4.28.
    -2 the thorn-apple.
    -रजनम् 1 safflower.
    -2 gold.
    -3 turmeric; तस्य हैतस्य पुरुषस्य रूपं यथा महारजनं वासः Bṛi. Up.2.3.6.
    -रत्नम् 1 a precious jewel; वज्रं मुक्ता प्रवालं च गोमेदश्चेन्द्रनीलकः ॥ वैडूर्यः पुष्करागश्च पाचिर्माणिक्यमेव च । महारत्नानि चैतानि नव प्रोक्तानि सूरिभिः ॥ Śukra.4.155-56.
    -रथः 1 a great chariot.
    -2 a great warrior or hero; द्रुपदश्च महारथः Bg.1.4; कुतः प्रभावो धनंजयस्य महारथजयद्रथस्य विपत्तिमुत्पादयितुम् Ve.2; दशरथः प्रशशास महारथः R.9.1; Śi.3.22; (a महारथ is thus defined:-- एको दशसहस्राणि योधयेद्यस्तु धन्विनाम् ॥ शस्त्रशास्त्र- प्रवीणश्च विज्ञेयः स महारथः ॥).
    -3 desire, longing; cf. मनोरथ.
    -रवः a frog.
    -रस a. very savoury.
    (-सः) 1 a sugar- cane.
    -2 quicksilver.
    -3 a precious mineral.
    -4 the fruit of the date tree.
    -5 any one of the eight substan- ces given below:-- दरदः पारदं शस्ये वैक्रान्तं कान्तमभ्रकम् । माक्षिकं विमलश्चेति स्युरेते$ष्टौ महारसाः ॥ (
    -सम्) sour ricewater.
    -राजः 1 a great king, sovereign or supreme ruler; पञ्चाशल्लक्षपर्यन्तो महाराजः प्रकीर्तितः Śukra.1.184.
    -2 a respect- ful mode of addressing kings or other great personages (my lord, your majesty, your highness); इति सत्यं महाराज बद्धो$स्म्यर्थेन कौरवैः Mb.
    -3 a deified Jaina teacher.
    -4 a fingernail. ˚अधिराजः a universal emperor, para- mount sovereign. ˚चूतः a kind of mango tree.
    -राजिकः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -राजिकाः (m. pl.) an epithet of a class of gods (said to be 22 or 236 in number.).
    -राज्यम् the rank or title of a reigning sovereign.
    -राज्ञी 1 the reigning or chief queen, principal wife of a king.
    -2 N. of Durgā.
    -रात्रम् midnight, dead of night.
    -रात्रिः, -त्री f.
    1 see महाप्रलय; ब्रह्मणश्च निपाते च महाकल्पो भवेन्नृप । प्रकीर्तिता महारात्रिः.
    -2 midnight.
    -3 the eighth night in the bright half of Āśvina.
    -राष्ट्रः 'the great kingdom', N. of a country in the west of India, the country of the Marāṭhās.
    -2 the people of Mahārāṣṭra; the Marāṭhās (pl.). (
    -ष्ट्री) N. of the principal Prākṛita; dialect, the language of the people of the Mahārāṣṭra; cf. Daṇḍin:-- महाराष्ट्राश्रयां भाषां प्रकृष्टं प्राकृतं विदुः Kāv.1.34.
    -रिष्टः a kind of Nimba tree growing on mountains.
    -रुज्, -ज a. very painful.
    -रुद्रः a form of Śiva.
    -रुरुः a species of antelope.
    -रूप a. mighty in form.
    (-पः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 resin.
    -रूपकम् a kind of drama.
    -रेतस् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -रोगः a dangerous illness, grievous malady; (these are eight:-- उन्मादो राजयक्ष्मा च श्वासस्त्वग्दोष एव च । मधुमेहश्चाश्मरी च तथो- दरभगन्दरौ ॥).
    -रौद्र a. very dreadful. (
    -द्री) an epithet of Durgā.
    -रौरवः N. of one of the 21 hells; Ms.4.88-9.
    -लक्ष्मी 1 the great Lakṣmī, or Śakti of Nārāyaṇa; सेवे सैरिभमर्दिनीमिह महालक्ष्मीं सरोजस्थिताम्.
    -2 a young girl who represents the goddess Durgā at the Durgā festival.
    -लयः 1 a great world destruction.
    -2 the Supreme Being (महदादीनां लयो यस्मिन्).
    -लिङ्गम् the great Liṅga or Phallus. (
    -ङ्गः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -लोलः a crow.
    -लोहम् a magnet.
    -वंशः N. of a wellknown work in Pali (of the 5th century).
    -वक्षस् m. epithet of Śiva.
    -वनम् a large forest in Vṛindāvana.
    -वरा Dūrvā grass.
    -वराहः 'the great boar', an epithet of Viṣṇu in his third or boar incarnation.
    -वर्तनम् high wages;
    -वल्ली 1 the Mādhavī creeper.
    -2 a large creeping plant.
    -वसः the porpoise.
    -वसुः silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -वाक्यम् 1 a long sentence.
    -2 any continuous composition or literary work.
    -3 a great proposition, principal sentence; such as तत्त्वमसि, ब्रह्मैवेदं सर्वम् &c.
    -4 a complete sentence (opp. अवान्तरवाक्य q. v.); न च महावाक्ये सति अवान्तरवाक्यं प्रमाणं भवति ŚB. on MS.6.4.25.
    -वातः a stormy wind, violent wind; महावाता<?>तैर्महिषकुलनीलैर्जलधरैः Mk.5.22.
    -वादिन् m. a great or powerful disputant.
    -वायुः 1 air (as an element).
    -2 stormy wind, hur- ricane, tempest.
    -वार्तिकम् N. of the Vārtikas of Kātyāyana on Pāṇini's Sūtras.
    -विडम् a kind of factitious salt.
    -विदेहा N. of a certain वृत्ति or condition of the mind in the Yoga system of philosophy.
    -विद्या the great lores; काली तारा महाविद्या षोडशी भुवनेश्वरी । भैरवी छिन्नमस्ता च विद्या धूमवती तथा । बगला सिद्धविद्या च मातङ्गी कमला- त्मिका । एता दश महाविद्याः... ॥
    -विपुला a kind of metre.
    -विभाषा a rule giving a general option or alternative; इति महाविभाषया साधुः.
    -विभूतिः an epithet of Śiva.
    -विषः a serpent having two mouths.
    -विषुवम् the vernal equinox. ˚संक्रान्तिः f. the vernal equinox (the sun's entering the sign Aries).
    -विस्तर a. very extensive or copious.
    -वीचिः N. of a hell.
    -वीरः 1 a great hero or warrior.
    -2 a lion.
    -3 the thunderbolt of Indra.
    -4 an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -5 of Garuḍa.
    -6 of Hanumat.
    -7 a cuckoo.
    -8 a white horse.
    -9 a sacrificial fire.
    -1 a sacrificial vessel.
    -11 a kind of hawk. ˚चरितम् N. of a celebrated drama by Bhavabhūti.
    -वीर्य a. of great valour, very powerful.
    (-र्यः) 1 N. of Brah- man.
    -2 the Supreme Being. (
    -र्या) the wild cotton shrub.
    -2 an epithet of संज्ञा, the wife of the sun.
    -वृषः a great bull.
    -वेग a.
    1 very swift or fleet.
    (-गः) 1 great speed, excessive velocity.
    -2 an ape.
    -3 the bird Garuḍa.
    -वेघः a particular position of hands or feet (in the practice of Yoga).
    -वेल a. billowy.
    -व्याधिः f.
    1 a great disease.
    -2 a very bad kind of leprosy (black leprosy).
    -व्याहृतिः f. a great mystical word, i. e. भूर्, भुवस् and स्वर्.
    -व्रत a. very devotional, rigidly observing vows.
    (-तम्) 1 a great vow, a great reli- gious observance; a vow for not taking even water for a month; महाव्रतं चरेद्यस्तु Mb.12.35.22 (com. महाव्रतं मासमात्रं जलस्यापि त्यागः).
    -2 any great or funda- mental duty; प्राणैरपि हिता वृत्तिरद्रोहो व्याजवर्जनम् । आत्मनीव प्रियाधानमेतन्मैत्रीमहाव्रतम् Mv.5.59; क्रतौ महाव्रते पश्यन् ब्रह्मचारी- त्वरीरतम् N.17.23.
    -व्रतिन् m.
    1 a devotee, an ascetic.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -शक्तिः 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Kārtikeya.
    -शङ्कुः the sine of the sun's eleva- tion.
    -शङ्खः 1 a great conch-shell; पौण्ड्रं दध्मौ महाशङ्खं Bg.1.15; महाशङ्खमयी माला ताराविद्याजपे प्रिया Tantra.
    -2 the temporal bone, forehead.
    -3 a human bone.
    -4 a particular high number.
    -5 one of Kubera's treasures.
    -शठः a kind of thorn-apple.
    -शब्द a. making a loud sound, very noisy, boisterous.
    -शल्कः a kind of sea- crab or prawn; Ms.3.272.
    -शालः a great householder.
    -शालिः a kind of large and sweetsmelling rice.
    -शाल्वणम् ('great fomentation') N. of a remedy; Suśr.
    -शासन a.
    1 exercising great power.
    -2 whose commands are great; त्रैलोक्यघिपतित्वमेव विरसं यस्मिन् महा- शासने Bh.3.8.
    (-नम्) 1 the knowledge of Brahma as expounded in the Upaniṣadas.
    -2 great order of government.
    -शिरस् m. a kind of serpent.
    -शिवरात्रिः N. of a festival on the 14th day of the dark half of Māgha,
    -शुक्तिः f. a pearl-shell.
    -शुक्ला an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -शुभ्रम् silver.
    -शूद्रः (-द्री f.)
    1 a Sūdra in a high position.
    -2 a cowherd.
    -3 an upper servant. (
    -द्री) a female cow-keeper. (
    -द्रा) a Śudra woman in a high position.
    -शून्यम् a particular mental condi- tion of a Yogin.
    -शृङ्गः 1 a species of stag.
    -2 the शरभ animal.
    -श्मशानम् an epithet of Benares.
    -श्यामा the Sissoo tree. (Mar. शिसवी).
    -श्रमणः 1 an epithet of Buddha.
    -2 a Jain monk.
    -श्लक्ष्णा sand.
    -श्वासः a kind of asthma.
    -श्वेता 1 an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -2 of Durgā.
    -3 white sugar.
    -संहिता great combi- nation.
    -संक्रान्तिः f. the winter solstice.
    -सती a very chaste woman.
    -सत्ता absolute existence.
    -सत्यः an epithet of Yama.
    -सत्त्व a.
    1 noble.
    -2 very strong or powerful.
    -3 just, righteous.
    (-त्त्वः) 1 a large animal.
    -2 N. of Sākyamuni.
    -3 an epithet of Kubera.
    -संधिविग्रहः the office of the minister of peace and war.
    -सन्नः an epithet of Kubera.
    -सन्निः m. (in music) a kind of measure.
    -समुद्रः the great ocean.
    -सर्गः a great or completely new creation (after a complete destruction of the world).
    -सर्जः the bread- fruit or jack-tree.
    -साधनभागः a great executive officer.
    -सांतपनः a kind of very rigid penance; see Ms.11. 218.
    -सांधिविग्रहिकः a minister of peace and war.
    -सामन्तः a great vassal.
    -सामान्यम् the widest genera- lity.
    -सारः a kind of Khadira tree.
    -सारथिः an epithet of Aruṇa.
    -साहसम् great violence or outrage, great audacity.
    -साहसिकः a dacoit, highwayman, a daring robber.
    -सिंहः the fabulous animal called Śarabha.
    -सिद्धिः f. a kind of magical power.
    -सुखम् 1 great pleasure.
    -2 copulation. (
    -खः) a Buddha.
    -सुगन्धम् a fragrant unguent.
    -सुगन्धिः a kind of antidote.
    -सुधा silver; Gīrvāṇa.
    -सुभिक्षम् good times.
    -सूक्तः the composer of the great Sūktas or hymns of the 1th Maṇḍala of the Ṛigveda.
    -सूक्ष्मा sand.
    -सूतः a mili- tary drum.
    -सेनः 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya; महासेन- प्रसूतिं तद्ययौ शरवणं महत् Rām.7.16.1.
    -2 the commander of a large army. (
    -ना) a great army.
    -स्कन्धः a camel.
    -स्थली the earth.
    -स्थानम् a great position.
    -स्नेहः a combination of the 4 kinds of fat.
    -स्मृतिः the Ṣaḍaṅgas and Smṛitis; महास्मृतिं पठेद्यस्तु तथैवानुस्मृतिं शुभाम् Mb.12.2.3.
    -स्रोतस् n. the bowels.
    -स्रग्विन् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्वनः a kind of drum.
    -हंसः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -हविस् n. clarified butter.
    -हस्तः an epithet of Śiva.
    -हासः a loud or boisterous laughter, cachinnation.
    -हिमवत् m. N. of a mountain.
    -ह्रस्वा N. of a plant (Mar. कुहिली).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > महा _mahā

  • 6 ब्रह्मन् _brahman

    ब्रह्मन् n. [बृंह्-मनिन् नकारस्याकारे ऋतो रत्वम्; cf. Uṇ.4.145.]
    1 The Supreme Being, regarded as impersonal and divested of all quality and action; (according to the Vedāntins, Brahman is both the efficient and the mate- rial cause of the visible universe, the all-pervading soul and spirit of the universe, the essence from which all created things are produced and into which they are absorbed; अस्ति तावन्नित्यशुद्धबुद्धमुक्तस्वभावं सर्वज्ञं सर्वशक्तिसमन्वितं ब्रह्म Ś. B.);... यत्प्रयन्त्यभिसंविशन्ति । तद् विजिज्ञा- सस्व । तद् ब्रह्मेति Tai. Up.3.1; समीभूता दृष्टिस्त्रिभुवनमपि ब्रह्म मनुते Bh.3.84; Ku.3.15; दर्शनं तस्य लाभः स्यात् त्वं हि ब्रह्ममयो निधिः Mb.
    -2 A hymn of praise.
    -3 A sacred text; मैवं स्याद् ब्रह्मविक्रिया Bhāg.9.1.17.
    -4 The Vedas; ब्रह्मणः प्रणवं कुर्यात् Ms.2.74; यद् ब्रह्म सम्यगाम्नातम् Ku.6.16; U.1.15; समस्तवदनोद्गीतब्रह्मणे ब्रह्मणे नमः Bm.1.1; Bg.3.15.
    -5 The sacred and mystic syllable om; एकाक्षरं परं ब्रह्म Ms.2.83.
    -6 The priestly of Brahmanical class (collectively); तदेतद् ब्रह्म क्षत्रं विट् शूद्रः Bṛi. Up.1.4.15; ब्रह्मैव संनियन्तृ स्यात् क्षत्रं हि ब्रह्मसंभवम् Ms.9.32.
    -7 The power or energy of a Brāhmaṇa; पवनाग्निसमागमो ह्ययं सहितं ब्रह्म यदस्त्रतेजसा R.8.4.
    -8 Religious penance or austerities.
    -9 Celi- bacy, chastity; शाश्वते ब्रह्मणि वर्तते Ś.1.
    -1 Final eman- cipation or beatitude.
    -11 Theology, sacred learning, religious knowledge.
    -12 The Brāhmaṇa portion of the Veda.
    -13 Wealth.
    -14 Food.
    -15 A Brāhmaṇa.
    -16 Truth.
    -17 The Brāhmaṇahood (ब्राह्मणत्व); येन विप्लावितं ब्रह्म वृषल्यां जायतात्मना Bhāg.6.2.26.
    -18 The soul (आत्मा); एतदेषां ब्रह्म Bṛi. Up.1.6.1-3.
    -19 See ब्रह्मास्त्र. अब्राह्मणे न हि ब्रह्म ध्रुवं तिष्ठेत् कदाचन Mb.12.3.31.
    -2 The गायत्री mantra; उभे सन्ध्ये च यतवाग्जपन् ब्रह्म समाहितः Bhāg.7. 12.2. -m.
    1 The Supreme Being, the Creator, the first deity of the sacred Hindu Trinity, to whom is en- trusted the work of creating the world. [The accounts of the creation of the world differ in many respects; but, according to Manu Smṛiti, the universe was enveloped in darkness, and the self-existent Lord manifested himself dispelling the gloom. He first created the waters and deposited in them a seed. This seed became a golden egg, in which he himself was born as Brahmā-- the progenitor of all the worlds. Then the Lord divided the egg into two parts, with which he constructed heaven and earth. He then created the ten Prajāpatis or mind-born sons who completed the work of creation. According to another account (Rāmāyaṇa) Brahmā sprang from ether; from him was descended marīchi, and his son was Kaśyapa. From Kaśyapa sprang Vivasvata, and Manu sprang from him. Thus Manu was the procreator of all human beings. According to a third account, the Supreme deity, after dividing the golden egg, separated himself into two parts, male and female, from which sprang Virāj and from him Manu; cf. Ku.2.7. and Ms.1.32 et seq. Mythologically Brahman is represented as being born in a lotus which sprang from the navel of Viṣṇu, and as creating the world by an illicit connection with his own daughter Sarasvatī. Brahman had originally five heads, but one of them was cut down by Śiva with the ring-finger or burnt down by the fire from his third eye. His vehicle is a swan. He has numerous epithets, most of which have reference to his birth, in a lotus.]
    -2 A Brāhmaṇa; Ś.4.4.
    -3 A devout man.
    -4 One of the four Ritvijas or priests employed at a Soma sacrifice.
    -5 One conversant with sacred knowledge.
    -6 The sun.
    -7 Intellect.
    -8 An epithet of the seven Prajāpatis:-- मरीचि, अत्रि, अङ्गिरस्, पुलस्त्य, पुलह, क्रतु and वसिष्ठ.
    -9 An epithet of Bṛihaspati; ब्रह्मन्नध्ययनस्य नैष समयस्तूष्णीं बहिः स्थीयताम् Hanumannāṭaka.
    -1 The planet Jupiter; ब्रह्मराशिं समावृत्य लोहिताङ्गो व्यवस्थितः Mb. 3.6.18.
    -11 The world of Brahmā (ब्रह्मलोक); दमस्त्यागो- $प्रमादश्च ते त्रयो ब्रह्मणो हयाः Mb.11.7.23.
    -1 Of Śiva.
    -Comp. -अक्षरम् the sacred syllable om.
    -अङ्गभूः 1 a horse.
    -2 one who has touched the several parts of his body by the repetition of Mantras; स च त्वदेकेषुनिपात- साध्यो ब्रह्माङ्गभूर्ब्रह्मणि योजितात्मा Ku.3.15 (see Malli. thereon).
    -अञ्जलिः 1 respectful salutation with folded hands while repeating the Veda.
    -2 obeisance to a preceptor (at the beginning and conclusion of the repetition of the Veda); अपश्यद्यावतो वेदविदां ब्रह्माञ्जलीनसौ N.17.183; ब्रह्मारम्भे$वसाने च पादौ ग्राह्यौ गुरोः सदा । संहत्य हस्तावध्येयं स हि ब्रह्माञ्जलिः स्मृतः ॥ Ms.2.71.
    -अण्डम् 'the egg of Brahman', the primordial egg from which the universe sprang, the world, universe; ब्रह्माण्डच्छत्रदण्डः Dk.1. ˚कपालः the hemisphere of the world. ˚भाण्डोदरम् the hollow of the universe; ब्रह्मा येन कुलालवन्नियमितो ब्रह्माण्ड- भाण्डोदरे Bh.2.95. ˚पुराणम् N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas.
    -अदि(द्रि)जाता an epithet of the river Godāvarī.
    -अधिगमः, अधिगमनम् study of the Vedas.
    -अम्भस् n. the urine of a cow.
    -अभ्यासः the study of the Vedas.
    -अयणः, -नः an epithet of Nārāyaṇa.
    -अरण्यम् 1 a place of religious study.
    -2 N. of a forest.
    -अर्पणम् 1 the offering of sacred knowledge.
    -2 devoting oneself to the Supreme Spirit.
    -3 N. of a spell.
    -4 a mode of performing the Śrāddha in which no Piṇḍas or rice-balls are offered.
    -अस्त्रम् a missile presided over by Brahman.
    -आत्मभूः a horse.
    -आनन्दः bliss or rapture of absorption into Brahma; ब्रह्मानन्दसाक्षात्क्रियां Mv.7.31.
    -आरम्भः beginning to repeat the Vedas; Ms.2.71.
    -आवर्तः N. of the tract between the rivers Sarasvatī and Dṛiṣavatī (northwest of Hastināpura); सरस्वतीदृषद्वत्योर्देवनद्योर्यदन्तरम् । तं देवनिर्मितं देशं ब्रह्मावर्तं प्रचक्षते Ms.2.17,19; Me.5.
    -आश्रमः = ब्रह्मचर्याश्रमः; वेदाध्ययननित्यत्वं क्षमा$थाचार्यपूजनम् । अथोपाध्यायशुश्रूषा ब्रह्माश्रमपदं भवेत् ॥ Mb.12.66.14.
    -आसनम् a particular position for profound meditation.
    -आहुतिः f.
    1 the offering of prayers; see ब्रह्मयज्ञ.
    -2 the study of the Vedas.
    -उज्झता forgetting or neglecting the Vedas; Ms.11.57 (अधीतवेदस्यानभ्यासेन विस्मरणम् Kull.).
    -उत्तर a.
    1 treating principally of Brahman.
    -2 consisting chiefly of Brāhmaṇas.
    -उद्यम् explaining the Veda, treatment or discussion of theological problems; ब्राह्मणा भगवन्तो हन्ताहमिमं द्वौ प्रश्नौ प्रक्ष्यामि तौ चेन्मे वक्ष्यति न वै जातु युष्माकमिमं कश्चिद् ब्रह्मोद्यं जेतेति Bṛi. Up.
    -उपदेशः instruc- tion in the Vedas or sacred knowledge. ˚नेतृ m. the Palāśa tree.
    -ऋषिः (
    ब्रह्मर्षिः or
    ब्रह्माऋषिः) a Bra- hmanical sage. ˚देशः N. of a district; (कुरुक्षेत्रं च मत्स्याश्च पञ्चालाः शूरसेनकाः । एष ब्रह्मर्षिदेशो वै ब्रह्मावर्तादनन्तरः Ms.2.19).
    -ओदनः, -नम् food given to the priests at a sacrifice.
    -कन्यका an epithet of Sarasvatī.
    -करः a tax paid to the priestly class.
    -कर्मन् n.
    1 the religious duties of a Brāhmaṇa, the office of Brahman, one of the four principal priests at a sacrifice.
    -कला an epithet of Dākṣāyaṇī (who dwells in the heart of man).
    -कल्पः an age of Brahman.
    -काण्डम् the portion of the Veda relating to spiritual knowledge.
    -काष्ठः the mulberry tree.
    -किल्बिषम् an offence against Brāhmaṇas.
    -कूटः a thoroughly learned Brāhmaṇa.
    -कूर्चम् a kind of penance; अहोरात्रोषितो भूत्वा पौर्णमास्यां विशेषतः । पञ्चगव्यं पिबेत् प्रातर्ब्रह्मकूर्चमिति स्मृतम् ॥.
    -कृत् one who prays. (-m.) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -कोशः the treasure of the Vedas, the entire collection of the Vedas; क्षात्रो धर्मः श्रित इव तनुं ब्रह्मकोशस्य गुप्त्यै U.6.9.
    -गायत्री N. of a magical mantra composed after the model of गायत्री mantra.
    -गिरिः N. of a mountain.
    -गीता f. The preaching of Brahmā as included in the Anuśāsana parva of the Mahābhārata.
    -गुप्तः N. of an astronomer born in 598. A. D.
    -गोलः the universe.
    -गौरवम् respect for the missile presided over by Brahman; विष्कम्भितुं समर्थो$पि ना$चलद् ब्रह्मगौरवात् Bk.9.76 (मा भून्मोघो ब्राह्मः पाश इति).
    -ग्रन्थिः 1 N. of a particular joint of the body.
    -2 N. of the knot which ties together the 3 threads of the यज्ञोपवीत.
    -ग्रहः, -पिशाचः, -पुरुषः, -रक्षस् n.,
    -राक्षसः a kind of ghost, the ghost of a Brāhmaṇa, who during his life time indulges in a disdainful spirit and carries away the wives of others and the property of Brāh- maṇas; (परस्य योषितं हृत्वा ब्रह्मस्वमपहृत्य च । अरण्ये निर्जले देशे भवति ब्रह्मराक्षसः ॥ Y.3.212; cf. Ms.12.6 also).
    -ग्राहिन् a. worthy to receive that which is holy.
    -घातकः, -घातिन् m. the murderer of a Brāhmaṇa.
    -घातिनी a woman on the second day of her courses.
    -घोषः 1 recital of the Veda.
    -2 the sacred word, the Vedas collectively; U.6.9 (v. l.).
    -घ्नः the murderer of a Brāhmaṇa.
    -चक्रम् 1 The circle of the universe; Śvet. Up.
    -2 N. of a magical circle.
    -चर्यम् 1 religious studentship, the life of celibacy passed by a Brāhmaṇa boy in studying the Vedas, the first stage or order of his life; अविप्लुतब्रह्मचर्यो गृहस्थाश्रममाचरेत् Ms.3.2;2. 249; Mv.1.24; यदिच्छन्तो ब्रह्मचर्यं चरन्ति तत्ते पदं संग्रहेण ब्रवीम्योमित्येतत् Kaṭh.
    -2 religious study, self-restraint.
    -3 celibacy, chastity, abstinence, continence; also ब्रह्म- चर्याश्रम. (
    -र्यः) a religious student; see ब्रह्मचारिन्. (
    -र्या) chastity, celibacy. ˚व्रतम् a vow of chastity. ˚स्खलनम् falling off from chastity, incontinence.
    -चारिकम् the life of a religious student.
    -चारिन् a.
    1 studying the Vedas.
    -2 practising continence of chastity. (-m.) a religious student, a Brāhmaṇa in the first order of his life, who continues to live with his spiritual guide from the investiture with sacred thread and performs the duties pertaining to his order till he settles in life; ब्रह्मचारी वेदमधीत्य वेदौ वेदान् वा चरेद् ब्रह्मचर्यम् Kaṭha- śrutyopaniṣad 17; Ms.2.41,175;6.87.
    -2 one who vows to lead the life of a celibate.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -4 of Skanda.
    -चारिणी 1 an epithet of Durgā.
    -2 a woman who observes the vow of chastity.
    -जः an epithet of Kārtikeya.
    -जन्मन् n.
    1 spirtual birth.
    -2 investiture with the sacred thread; ब्रह्मजन्म हि विप्रस्य प्रेत्य चेह च शाश्वतम् Ms.2.146,17.
    -जारः the paramour of a Brāhmaṇa's wife; Rāmtā. Up.
    -जिज्ञासा desire to know Brahman; अयातो ब्रह्मजिज्ञासा Brahmasūtra.
    -जीविन् a. living by sacred knowledge. (-m.) a mercenary Brāhmaṇa (who converts his sacred knowledge into trade), a Brāhmaṇa who lives by sacred knowledge.
    -ज्ञानम् knowledge about Brahman; वेदान्तसाङ्ख्यसिद्धान्त- ब्रह्मज्ञानं वदाम्यहम् Garuḍa. P.
    -ज्ञ, -ज्ञानिन् a. one who knows Brahma.
    (-ज्ञः) 1 an epithet of Kārtikeya.
    -2 of Viṣṇu.
    -ज्ञानम् true or divine knowledge, knowledge of the identity of the universe with Brahma; ब्रह्मज्ञान- प्रभासंध्याकालो गच्छति धीमताम् Paśupata. Up.7.
    -ज्येष्ठः the elder brother of Brahman; ब्रह्मज्येष्ठमुपासते T. Up.2.5. (-a.) having Brahmā as first or chief.
    -ज्योतिस् n.
    1 the light of Brahma or the Supreme Being.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -तत्त्वम् the true knowledge of the Supreme Spirit.
    -तन्त्रम् all that is taught in the Veda.
    -तालः (in music) a kind of measure.
    -तेजस् n.
    1 the glory of Brahman.
    -2 Brahmanic lustre, the lustre or glory supposed to surround a Brāhmaṇa.
    -दः a spiritual preceptor; Ms.4.232.
    -दण्डः 1 the curse of a Brāhmaṇa; एकेन ब्रह्मदण्डेन बहवो नाशिता मम Rām.
    -2 a tribute paid to a Brāhmaṇa.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -4 N. of a mythical weapon (ब्रह्मास्त्र); स्वरस्य रामो जग्राह ब्रह्मदण्डमिवापरम् Rām.3.3.24.
    -5 magic, spells, incanta- tion (अभिचार); ब्रह्मदण्डमदृष्टेषु दृष्टेषु चतुरङ्गिणीम् Mb.12. 13.27.
    -दर्मा Ptychotis Ajowan (Mar. ओवा).
    -दानम् 1 the imparting of sacred knowledge.
    -2 sacred knowledge, received as an inheritance or hereditary gift; सर्वेषामेव दानानां ब्रह्मदानं विशिष्यते Ms.4.233.
    -दायः 1 instruction in the Vedas, the imparting of sacred knowledge.
    -2 sacred knowledge received as an in- heritance; तं प्रतीतं स्वधर्मेण ब्रह्मदायहरं पितुः Ms.3.3.
    -3 the earthly possession of a Brāhmaṇa.
    -दायादः 1 one who receives the Vedas as his hereditary gift, a Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 the son of a Brāhmaṇa.
    -दारुः the mulberry tree.
    -दिनम् a day of Brahman.
    -दूषक a. falsifying the vedic texts; Hch.
    -देय a. married according to the Brāhma form of marriage; ब्रह्मदेयात्मसंतानो ज्येष्ठसामग एव च Ms.3.185. (
    -यः) the Brāhma form of marriage.
    (-यम्) 1 land granted to Brahmaṇas; श्रोत्रियेभ्यो ब्रह्मदेयान्यदण्डकराण्यभिरूपदायकानि प्रयच्छेत् Kau. A.2.1.19.
    -2 instruction in the sacred knowledge.
    -दैत्यः a Brāhmaṇa changed into a demon; cf. ब्रह्मग्रह.
    -द्वारम् entrance into Brahmā; ब्रह्मद्वारमिदमित्येवैतदाह यस्त- पसाहतपाप्मा Maitra. Up.4.4.
    -द्विष्, -द्वेषिन् a.
    1 hating Brāhmaṇas; Ms.3.154 (Kull.).
    -2 hostile to religi- ous acts or devotion, impious, godless.
    -द्वेषः hatred of Brāhmaṇas.
    -धर a. possessing sacred knowledge.
    -नदी an epithet of the river Sarasvatī.
    -नाभः an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -निर्वाणम् absorption into the Supreme Spirit; स्थित्वास्यामन्तकाले$पि ब्रह्मनिर्वाणमृच्छति Bg.2.72.
    -2 = ब्रह्मानन्द q. v.; तं ब्रह्मनिर्वाणसमाधिमाश्रितम् Bhāg.4.6.39.
    -निष्ठ a. absorbed in or intent on the contemplation of the Supreme Spirit; ब्रह्मनिष्ठस्तथा योगी पृथग्भावं न विन्दति Aman. Up.1.31. (
    -ष्ठः) the mulberry tree.
    -नीडम् the resting-place of Brahman.
    -पदम् 1 the rank or position of a Brāhmaṇa.
    -2 the place of the Supreme Spirit.
    -पवित्रः the Kuśa grass.
    -परिषद् f. an assembly of Brāhmṇas.
    -पादपः, -पत्रः the Palāśa tree.
    -पारः the final object of all sacred knowledge.
    -पारायणम् a complete study of the Vedas, the entire Veda; याज्ञवल्क्यो मुनिर्यस्मै ब्रह्मपारायणं जगौ U.4.9; Mv.1.14.
    -पाशः N. of a missile presided over by Brahman; अबध्नादपरिस्कन्दं ब्रह्मपाशेन विस्फुरन् Bk.9.75.
    -पितृ m. an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -पुत्रः 1 a son of Brahman.
    -2 N. of a (male) river which rises in the eastern extremity of the Himālaya and falls with the Ganges into the Bay of Bengal.
    (-त्रा) 1 a kind of vegetable poison.
    -2 See ब्रह्मपुत्रः (2). (
    -त्री) an epithet of the river Sarasvatī.
    -पुरम् the heart; दिव्ये ब्रह्मपुरे ह्येष व्योम्न्यात्मा प्रतिष्ठितः Muṇḍ.2.2.7.
    -2 the body; Ch. Up.
    -पुरम्, -पुरी 1 the city of Brahman (in heaven).
    -2 N. of Benares.
    -पुराणम् N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas.
    -पुरुषः a minister of Brahman (the five vital airs).
    -प्रलयः the universal destruction at the end of one hundred years of Brahman in which even the Supreme Being is supposed to be swallowed up.
    -प्राप्तिः f. absorp- tion into the Supreme spirit.
    -बलम् the Brahmani- cal power.
    -बन्धुः 1 a contemptuous term for a Brāh- maṇa, an unworthy Brāhmaṇa (cf. Mar. भटुर्गा); वस ब्रह्मचर्यं न वै सोम्यास्मत्कुलीनो$ननूज्य ब्रह्मबन्धुरिव भवतीति Ch. Up.6.1.1; ब्रह्मबन्धुरिति स्माहम् Bhāg.1.81.16; M.4; V.2.
    -2 one who is a Brāhmaṇa only by caste, a nominal Brāhmaṇa.
    -बिन्दुः a drop of saliva sputtered while reciting the Veda.
    -बीजम् 1 the mystic syllable om; मनो यच्छेज्जितश्वासो ब्रह्मबीजमविस्मरन् Bhāg.2.1.17.
    -2 the mulberry tree.
    -ब्रुवः, -ब्रुवाणः one who pretends to be a Brāhmaṇa.
    -भवनम् the abode of Brahman.
    -भागः 1 the mulberry tree.
    -2 the share of the chief priest; अथास्मै ब्रह्मभागं पर्याहरन्ति Śat. Br.
    -भावः absorp- tion into the Supreme Spirit
    -भावनम् imparting religious knowledge; छेत्ता ते हृदयग्रन्थिमौदर्यो ब्रह्मभावनः Bhāg.3.24.4.
    -भिद् a. dividing the one Brahma into many.
    -भुवनम् the world of Brahman; आ ब्रह्म- भुवनाल्लोकाः पुनरावर्तिनो$र्जुन Bg.8.16.
    -भूत a. become one with Brahma, absorbed into the Supreme Spirit; आयुष्मन्तः सर्व एव ब्रह्मभूता हि मे मताः Mb.1.1.14.
    -भूतिः f. twilight.
    -भूमिजा a kind of pepper.
    -भूयम् 1 identity with Brahma, absorption or dissolution into Brahma, final emancipation; स ब्रह्मभूयं गतिमागजाम R.18.28; ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते Bg.14.26; Ms.1.98.
    -2 Brahmanahood, the state or rank of a Brāhmaṇa. धृष्टाद्धार्ष्टमभूत् क्षत्र ब्रह्मभूयं गतं क्षितौ Bhāg.9.2.17.
    -भूयस n. absorption into Brahma.
    -मङ्गलदेवता an epithet of Lakshmī.
    -महः a festival in honour of Brāhmaṇas.
    -मित्र a. having Brāhmaṇas for friends.
    -मीमांसा the Vedānta philosophy which inquires into the nature of Brahma or Supreme Spirit.
    -मुहूर्तः a particular hour of the day.
    -मूर्ति a. having the form of Brahman.
    -मूर्धभृत् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -मेखलः the Munja plant.
    -यज्ञः one of the five daily Yajñas or sacrifices (to be performed by a householder), teaching and reciting the Vedas; अध्यापनं ब्रह्मयज्ञः Ms.3.7 (अध्यापनशब्देन अध्य- यनमपि गृह्यते Kull.)
    -योगः cultivation or acquisition of spiritual knowledge.
    -योनि a.
    1 sprung from Brahman; गुरुणा ब्रह्मयोनिना R.1.64. (
    -निः) f.
    1 original source in Brahman.
    -2 the author of the Vedas or of Brahman; किं पुनर्ब्रह्मयोनेर्यस्तव चेतसि वर्तते Ku.6.18. ˚स्थ a. intent on the means of attaining sacred knowledge; ब्राह्मणा ब्रह्मयोनिस्था ये स्वकर्मण्यवस्थिताः Ms.1.74.
    -रत्नम् a valuable present made to a Brāhmaṇa.
    -रन्ध्रम् an aperture in the crown of the head through which the soul is said to escape on its leaving the body; आरोप्य ब्रह्मरन्ध्रेण ब्रह्म नीत्वोत्सृजेत्तनुम् Bhāg.11.15.24.
    -राक्षसः See ब्रह्मग्रह; छिद्रं हि मृगयन्ते स्म विद्वांसो ब्रह्मराक्षसाः Rām. 1.8.17.
    -रवः muttering of prayers.
    -रसः Brahma's savour. ˚आसवः Brahma's nectar.
    -रातः an epithet of Śuka; Bhāg.1.9.8.
    -रात्रः early dawn.
    -रात्रिः an epithet of Yājñavalkya, (wrong for ब्रह्मरातिः)
    -राशिः 1 the whole mass or circle of sacred know- ledge.
    -2 an epithet of Paraśurāma.
    -3 a particular constellation.
    -रीतिः f. a kind of brass.
    -रे(ले)खा -लिखितम्, -लेखः lines written by the creator on the forehead of a man which indicate his destiny, the predestined lot of any man.
    -लोकः the world of Brahman.
    -लौकिक a. inhabiting the ब्रह्मलोक.
    -वक्तृ m. an expounder of the Vedas.
    -वद्यम् knowledge of Brahma.
    -वधः, -वध्या, -हत्या the murder of a Brāh- maṇa.
    -वर्चस् n.,
    -वर्चसम् 1 divine glory or splendour, spiritual pre-eminence or holiness resulting from sacred knowledge; स य एवमेतद्रथन्तरमग्नौ प्रोतं वेद ब्रह्मवर्चस्यन्नादो भवति Ch. Up.2.12.2; (तस्य) हेतुस्त्वद्ब्रह्मवर्चसम् R.1.63; Ms.2.37;4.94.
    -2 the inherent sanctity or power of a Brāhmaṇa; Ś.6.
    -वर्चसिन्, -वर्चस्विन् a. holy or sanctified by spiritual pre-eminence, holy; अपृथग्धीरुपा- सीत ब्रह्मवर्चस्व्यकल्मषः Bhāg.11.17.32. (-m.) an eminent or holy Brāhmaṇa; ब्रह्मवर्चस्विनः पुत्रा जायन्ते शिष्टसंमताः Ms. 3.39.
    -वर्तः see ब्रह्मावर्त.
    -वर्धनम् copper.
    -वाच् f. the sacred text.
    -वादः a discourse on the sacred texts; ब्रह्मवादः सुसंवृत्तः श्रुतयो यत्र शेरते Bhāg.1.87.1.
    -वादिन् m.
    1 one who teaches or expounds the Vedas; U.1; Māl.1.
    -2 a follower of the Vedānta philosophy; तस्याभिषेक आरब्धो ब्राह्मणैर्ब्रह्मवादिभिः Bhāg.4.15.11. (
    -नी) an epithet of Gāyatrī; आयाहि वरदे देवि त्र्यक्षरे ब्रह्मवादिनि Gāyatryāvāhanamantra.
    -वासः the abode of Brāhma- ṇas.
    -विद्, -विद a.
    1 knowing the Supreme Spirit; ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्मैव भवति. (-m.) a sage, theologian, philosopher.
    -विद्या, -वित्त्वम् knowledge of the Supreme Spirit. ब्रह्मविद्यापरिज्ञानं ब्रह्मप्राप्तिकरं स्थितम् Śuka. Up.3.1.
    -विन्दुः see ब्रह्मबिन्दु.
    -विवर्धनः an epithet of Indra.
    -विहारः a pious conduct, perfect state; Buddh.
    -वीणा a particular Vīṇā.
    -वृक्षः 1 the Palāśa tree.
    -2 the Udumbara tree.
    -वृत्तिः f. livelihood of a Brāhmaṇa; ब्रह्मवृत्त्या हि पूर्णत्वं तया पूर्णत्वमभ्यसेत् Tejobindu Up.1.42.
    -वृन्दम् an assemblage of Brāhmaṇas.
    -वेदः 1 knowledge of the Vedas.
    -2 monotheism, knowledge of Brahma.
    -3 the Veda of the Brāhmaṇas (opp. क्षत्रवेद).
    -4 N. of the Atharvaveda; ब्रह्मवेदस्याथर्वर्णं शुक्रमत एव मन्त्राः प्रादु- र्बभूवुः Praṇava Up.4.
    -वेदिन् a. knowing the Vedas; cf. ब्रह्मविद्.
    -वैवर्तम् N. of one of the eighteen Purāṇas
    -व्रतम् a vow of chastity.
    -शल्यः Acacia Arabica (Mar. बाभळ).
    -शाला 1 the hall of Brahman.
    -2 a place for reciting the Vedas.
    -शासनम् 1 a decree addressed to Brāhmaṇas.
    -2 a command of Brahman.
    -3 the command of a Brāhmaṇa.
    -4 instruction about sacred duty.
    -शिरस्, -शीर्षन् n. N. of a particular missile; अस्त्रं ब्रह्मशिरस्तस्मै ततस्तोषाद्ददौ गुरुः Bm.1.649.
    -श्री N. of a Sāman.
    -संसद् f. an assembly of Brāh- maṇas.
    -संस्थ a. wholly devoted to the sacred know- ledge (ब्रह्म); ब्रह्मसंस्थो$मृतत्वमेति Ch. Up.2.23.1.
    -सती an epithet of the river Sarasvatī.
    -सत्रम् 1 repeating and teaching the Vedas (= ब्रह्मयज्ञ q. v.); ब्रह्मसत्रेण जीवति Ms.4.9; ब्रह्मसत्रे व्यवस्थितः Mb.12.243.4.
    -2 medita- tion of Brahma (ब्रह्मविचार); स्वायंभुव ब्रह्मसत्रं जनलोके$भवत् पुरा Bhāg.1.87.9.
    -3 absorption into the Supreme Spirit.
    -सत्रिन् a. offering the sacrifice of prayer.
    -सदस् n. the residence of Brahman.
    -सभा the hall or court of Brahman.
    -संभव a. sprung or coming from Brahman. (
    -वः) N. of Nārada.
    -सर्पः a kind of snake.
    -सवः distillation of Soma.
    -सायुज्यम् com- plete identification with the Supreme Spirit; cf. ब्रह्मभूय.
    -सार्ष्टिता identification or union or equality with Brahma; Ms.4.232.
    -सावर्णिः N. of the tenth Manu; दशमो ब्रह्मसावर्णिरुपश्लोकसुतो महान् Bhāg.8.13.21.
    -सुतः 1 N. of Nārada, Marīchi &c.
    -2 a kind of Ketu.
    -सुवर्चला f.
    1 N. of a medicinal plant (ब्राह्मी ?).
    -2 an infusion (क्वथितमुदक); पिबेद् ब्रह्मसुवर्चलाम् Ms.11.159.
    -सूः 1 N. of Aniruddha.
    -2 N. of the god of love.
    -सूत्रम् 1 the sacred thread worn by the Brāhmaṇas or the twice-born (द्विज) over the shoulder; Bhāg. 1.39.51.
    -2 the aphorisms of the Vedānta philosophy by Bādarāyaṇa; ब्रह्मसूत्रपदैश्चैव हेतुमद्भिर्विनिश्चितैः Bg.13.4.
    -सूत्रिन् a. invested with the sacred thread.
    -सृज् m. an epithet of Śiva.
    -स्तम्बः the world, universe; ब्रह्मस्तम्बनिकुञ्जपुञ्जितघनज्याघोषघोरं धनुः Mv.3.48.
    -स्तेयम् acquiring holy knowledge by unlawful means; स ब्रह्मस्तेयसंयुक्तो नरकं प्रतिपद्यते Ms.2.116.
    -स्थली a place for learning the Veda (पाठशाला);...... ब्रह्मस्थलीषु च । सरी- सृपाणि दृश्यन्ते... Rām.6.1.16.
    -स्थानः the mulberry tree.
    -स्वम् the property or possessions of a Brāhmaṇa; परस्य योषितं हृत्वा ब्रह्मस्वमपहृत्य च । अरण्ये निर्जले देशे भवति ब्रह्मराक्षसः ॥ Y.3.212. ˚हारिन् a. stealing a Brāhmaṇa's property.
    -स्वरूप a. of the nature of the Supreme Spirit.
    -हत्या, -वधः Brahmanicide, killing a Brāh- maṇa; ब्रह्महत्यां वा एते घ्नन्ति Trisuparṇa. हन् a. murderer of a Brāhmaṇa; ब्रह्महा द्वादश समाः कुटीं कृत्वा वने वसेत् Ms.11.72.
    -हुतम् one of the five daily Yajñas or sacrifices, which consists in offering the rites of hospitality to guests; cf. Ms.3.74.
    -हृदयः, -यम् N. of a star (Capella).

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > ब्रह्मन् _brahman

  • 7 सर्व _sarva

    सर्व Pron. a. [सृतमनेन विश्वमिति सर्वम् Uṇ.1.151] (nom. pl. सर्वे m.)
    1 All, every; उपर्युपरि पश्यन्तः सर्व एव दरिद्रति H.2.2; रिक्तः सर्वो भवति हि लघुः पूर्णता गौरवाय Me. 2.
    -2 Whole, entire, complete.
    -र्वः 1 N. of Viṣṇu.
    -2 of Śiva.
    -र्वम् Water.
    -Comp. -अङ्गम् 1 the whole body.
    -2 all the Vedāṅgas. (
    -ङ्गः or
    ˚रूपः) N. of Śiva.
    -अङ्गीण a. pervading or thrilling through the whole body; सर्वाङ्गीणः स्पर्शः सुतस्य किल V.5.11.
    -अधिकारिन् -m.,
    -अध्यक्षः a general superintendent.
    -अनुक्रमणिका, -क्रमणी a general index.
    -अनुदात्त a. entirely accent- less.
    -अन्नीन a. eating every kind of fodd; so सर्वान्न- भोजिन् &c.
    -अपरत्वम् final emancipation.
    -अभावः non- existence or failure of all; इतरेषां तु वर्णानां सर्वाभावे हरेन्नृपः Ms.9.189.
    -अभिसन्धिक a. deceiving every one; Ms.4.195.
    -अभिसन्धिन् m.
    1 a traducer, calumniator.
    -2 a religious hypocrite.
    -अभिसारः a complete army (of elephants, chariots, cavalry, and infantry).
    -अर्थचिन्तकः a general overseer, chief officer.
    -अर्थ- साधिका N. of Durgā.
    -अर्थसिद्धः the great Buddha or Śākyamuni.
    -अवसरः midnight.
    -अशिन् a. eating all sorts of food; Ms.2.118.
    -अस्तिवादः the doctrine that all things are real.
    -आकार (in comp.) entirely, thoroughly, completely; सर्वाकारहृदयंगमायास्तस्याः Māl.1.7; 1.14.
    -आत्मन् m.
    1 the whole soul; (सर्वात्मना entirely, completely, thoroughly.).
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -आधारः a receptacle of everything.
    -आशयः, -आश्रयः N. of Śiva.
    -ईशः, -ईश्वरः 1 the Supreme Being.
    -2 a paramount lord.
    -उत्तम a. best of all, excellent, supremely good.
    -ऋतुपरिवर्तः a year; L. D. B.
    -ओघः = सर्वाभिसार above.
    -करः, -कर्मन् m. N. of Śiva.
    -कर्तृ m.
    1 N. of Brahman.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -कर्मीण a. performing every- thing.
    -कामः, कामदः, कामवरः N. of Śiva.
    -कामिक a.
    1 fulfilling all wishes.
    -2 obtaining all one's desires.
    -काम्य a.
    1 loved by all.
    -2 having everything one can desire.
    -कालीन a. for all time, perpetual.
    -केशिन् m. an actor.
    -क्षारः impure carbonate of soda or potash.
    -क्षित् a. abiding in all things.
    - a. all-pervading, omnipresent.
    (-गः) 1 Śiva.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -3 Brahman.
    -4 the spirit, soul. (
    -गम्) water.
    -गा the plant called प्रियङ्गु.
    -गामिन्, -गति a. all-pervading, om- nipresent.
    -गतिः the refuge of all.
    -ग्रन्थिः, -ग्रन्थिकम् the root of long pepper.
    -चारिन् m. N. of Śiva.
    -जनीन a.
    1 world-wide, famous.
    -2 relating to every one.
    -3 salutary to every one.
    -जित् a.
    1 excellent, in- comparable.
    -2 all-conquering, invincible. -m.
    1 death.
    -2 the 21st संवत्सर.
    -जीवः the soul of all.
    -ज्ञ, -विद् a. all-knowing, omniscient. (-m.)
    1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 of Buddha.
    -3 the Supreme Being.
    -ज्ञा N. of Durgā.
    -ज्ञातृ a. omniscient.
    -तन्त्रः one who has studied all the Tantras. ˚सिद्धान्तः a doctrine admitted by all the schools.
    -तापनः the god of love.
    -दः N. of Śiva.
    -दम, -दमन a. all-subduing, irresistible. (-m.) N. of Bharata, son of Duṣyanta; इहायं सत्त्वानां प्रसभदमनात् सर्व- दमनः Ś.7.33.
    -दर्शनसंग्रहः a compendium of all the schools or systems of philosophy by Mādhavāchārya.
    -दर्शिन् a. all-seeing. -m.
    1 a Buddha.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -दुःखक्षयः final emancipation from all existence.
    -दृश् a. all-seeing. f. (pl.) all organs of senses.
    -देवमय a. comprising all the gods. (
    -यः) N. of Śiva.
    -देवमुखः an epithet of Agni.
    -द्रष्टृ a. all-seeing.
    -धनम् (in arith.) the total of a sum in progression.
    -धन्विन् m. the god of love.
    -धारिन् m. N. of Śiva.
    -धुरीणः A beast carrying all burdens; a draught ox.
    -नामन् n. a class of pronominal words. ˚स्थानम् N. for the nom. (all numbers) and acc. sing. and dual of masculine and feminine nouns and nom. and add. pl. of neuter nouns; cf. सुट् also.
    -निक्षेपा a particular me- thod of counting.
    -निराकृति a. causing to forget every- thing.
    -पारशव a. made entirely of iron.
    -पार्षदम् a text book received by all grammatical schools.
    -पूर्णत्वम् complete preparation.
    -प्रथमम् ind. first of all.
    -प्रद a. all-bestowing.
    -प्रिय a. popular, liked by all.
    -बलम् a particular high number.
    -भक्षः fire.
    -भक्षा a female goat.
    -भवारणिः the cause of all welfare.
    -भावः all- being or nature; (सर्वभावेन 'with all one's heart, sin- cerely, heart and soul').
    -भावकरः, -भावनः N. of Śiva.
    -भृत् a. all-supporting.
    -मङ्गला an epithet of Pārvatī.
    -मांसाद a. eating every kind of flesh; मत्स्यादः सर्वमांसादस्तस्मान्मत्स्यान् विवर्जयेत् Ms.5.15.
    -मुख a. facing in every direction.
    -मूल्यम् A cowrie.
    -मूषकः 'all-stealing', time.
    -मेधः a universal sacrifice; राजसूयाश्वमेधौ च सर्वमेधं च भारत Mb.14.3.8.
    -योगिन् m. N. of Śiva.
    -योनिः the source of all.
    -रसः 1 the resinous exudation of the Sāla tree, resin.
    -2 salt, saltness.
    -3 a kind of musical in- strument.
    -4 a learned man. ˚उत्तमः salt.
    -लालसः N. of Śiva.
    -लिङ्गिन् m.
    1 an impostor.
    -2 a heretic.
    -लोकः the universe.
    -लोहः an iron arrow.
    -वर्णिन् a. of vari- ous kinds; खादिरान् बिल्वसमितांस्तावतः सर्ववर्णिनः Mb.14.88. 27 (com. वर्णिनः पलाशकाष्ठमयाः).
    -वल्लभा an unchaste wo- man.
    -वासः, -वासिन् m.,
    -विख्यातः, -विग्रहः N. of Śiva.
    -विक्रयिन् a. selling all kinds of things; Ms.2. 118.
    -वेदः a man who has studied the four Vedas.
    -वेदस् m. one who performs a sacrifice by giving away all his wealth; Ms.11.1. (
    -सम्) all one's property; उशन् ह वै वाजश्रवसः सर्ववेदसं ददौ Kath.1.1; चतुर्थे चायुषः शेषे वानप्रस्थाश्रमं त्यजेत् । सद्यस्कारां निरूप्येष्टिं सर्ववेदसदक्षिणाम् ॥ Mb.12.244.23.
    -वेशिन् m. an actor.
    -व्यापिन् a. all-pervading.
    -शक् a. omnipotent, all- powerful.
    -शान्तिकृत् m. N. of Śakuntalā's son, Bharata.
    -संस्थ a.
    1 Omnipresent.
    -2 all destroying.
    -सखः a sage; शान्तो यथैक उत सर्वसखैश्चरामि Bhāg.1. 85.45.
    -संगतः a kind of quick-growing rice. -a.
    1 appropriate in every respect.
    -2 met with universally.
    -संग्रहः a general or universal collection.
    -संनहनम्, -संनाहः assembling of a complete army, a com- plete armament; see
    -अभिसारः. -समता equality towards everything; स सर्वसमतामेत्य ब्रह्माभ्येति परं पदम् Ms. 12.125.
    -समाहर a. all-destroying.
    -संपन्न a. provid- ed with everything.
    -संपातः all that remains.
    -सरः a kind of ulcer in the mouth.
    -सह a. all-forbearing, very patient; स त्वं जगत्त्राणखलप्रहाणये निरूपितः सर्वसहो गदाभृता Bhāg.9.5.9. (
    -हः) bdellium. (
    -हा, also सर्वसहा) the earth.
    -साक्षिन् a. all-witnessing. (-m.)
    1 N. of the Supreme Being.
    -2 N. of wind.
    -3 of Agni.
    -साधनः Śiva.
    -साधारण, -सामान्य a. common to all.
    -सिद्धिः f. universal success. (-m.) the Bilva tree.
    -स्वम् 1 everything, the whole of one's pos- sessions; as in सर्वस्वदण्डः, सर्वस्वहरणम् 'confiscation of the whole property'.
    -2 the very essence, the all-in-all of anything; सर्वस्वं तदहो महाकविगिरां कामस्य चाम्भोरुह Subhāṣ.; see Ś.1.24;6.1; Māl.8.6; Bv.1.63.
    -स्वारः Vedic sacrifice (एकाह) in which the sacrificer commits suicide (usually a man suffering from some incurable desease with little hope of life); अननन्द निरीक्ष्यायं पुरे तत्रात्मघातिनम् । सर्वस्वारस्य यज्वानमेनं दृष्ट्वाथ विव्यथे । N.17.22.
    -हर a.
    1 appropriating everything.
    -2 inheriting a person's whole property.
    -3 all-destroying (as death); मृत्युः सर्वहरश्चाहम् Bg.1.34.
    -हरणम्, -हारः confiscating of one's entire property; सर्वहारं हरेन्नृपः Ms.8.399.
    -हितम् black pepper.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > सर्व _sarva

  • 8 शिव

    mf (ā́)n. (according to Uṇ. I, 153, fr. 1. ṡī, « in whom all things lie» ;

    perhaps connected with ṡvi cf. ṡavas, ṡiṡvi) auspicious, propitious, gracious, favourable, benign, kind, benevolent, friendly, dear (ám ind. kindly, tenderly) RV. etc. etc.;
    happy, fortunate BhP. ;
    m. happiness, welfare (cf. n.) R. V, 56, 36 ;
    liberation, final emancipation L. ;
    « The Auspicious one»
    N. of the disintegrating orᅠ destroying andᅠ reproducing deity (who constitutes the third god of the Hindū Trimūrti orᅠ Triad, the other two being Brahmā. « the creator» andᅠ Vishṇu « the preserver» ;
    in the Veda the only N. of the destroying deity wss Rudra « the terrible god»,
    but in later times it became usual to give that god the euphemistic N. Ṡiva « the auspicious» <just as the Furies were called Eὐμενίδες « the gracious ones» >, andᅠ to assign him the office of creation andᅠ reproduction as well as dissolution;
    in fact the preferential worship of Ṡiva as developed in the Purāṇas andᅠ Epic poems led to his being identified with the Supreme Being by his exclusive worshippers < called Ṡaivas>;
    in his character of destroyer he is sometimes called Kāla « black», andᅠ is then alsoᅠ identified with Time, although his active destroying function is then oftener assigned to his wife under her name Kālī, whose formidable character makes her a general object of propitiation by sacrifices;
    as presiding over reproduction consequent on destruction Ṡiva's symbol is the Liṇga <q.v.> orᅠ Phallus, under which form he is worshipped all over India at the present day;
    again one of his representations is as Ardha-nārī, « half-female», the other half being male to symbolize the unity of the generative principle RTL. 85 ;
    he has three eyes, one of which is in his forehead, andᅠ which are thought to denote his view of the three divisions of time, past, present, andᅠ future, while a moon's crescent, above the central eye, marks the measure of time by months, a serpent round his neck the measure by years,
    andᅠ a second necklace of skulls with other serpents about his person, the perpetual revolution of ages, andᅠ the successive extinction andᅠ generation of the races of mankind:
    his hair is thickly matted together, andᅠ gathered above his forehead into a coil;
    on the top of it he bears the Ganges, the rush of which in its descent from heaven he intercepted by his head that the earth might not be crushed by the weight of the falling stream;
    his throat is dark-blue from the stain of the deadly poison which would have destroyed the world had it not been swallowed by him on its production at the churning of the ocean by the gods for the nectar of immortality;
    he holds a tri-ṡūla, orᅠ three-pronged trident < alsoᅠ called Pināka> in his hand to denote, as some think, his combination of the three attributes of Creator, Destroyer, andᅠ Regenerator;
    he alsoᅠ carries a kind of drum, shaped like an hour-glass, called Ḍamaru:
    his attendants orᅠ servants are called Pramatha <qq.vv.>;
    they are regarded as demons orᅠ supernatural beings of different kinds, andᅠ form various hosts orᅠ troops called Gaṇas;
    his wife Durgā <otherwise called Kālī, Pārvatī, Umā, Gaurī, Bhavāṇī etc.> is the chief object of worship with the Ṡāktas andᅠ Tāntrikas, andᅠ in this connection he is fond of dancing < seeᅠ tāṇḍava> andᅠ wine-drinking;
    he is alsoᅠ worshipped as a great ascetic andᅠ is said to have scorched the god of love (Kāma-deva) to ashes by a glance from his central eye, that deity having attempted to inflame him with passion for Pārvatī whilst he was engaged in severe penance;
    in the exercise of his function of Universal Destroyer he is fabled to have burnt up the Universe andᅠ all the gods, including Brahmā. andᅠ Vishṇu, by a similar scorching glance,
    andᅠ to have rubbed the resulting ashes upon his body, whence the use of ashes in his worship, while the use of the Rudrâksha berries originated, it is said, from the legend that Ṡiva,
    on his way to destroy the three cities, called Tri-pura, let fall some tears of rage which became converted into these beads:
    his residence orᅠ heaven is Kailāsa, one of the loftiest northern peaks of the Himâlaya;
    he has strictly no incarnations like those of Vishṇu, though Vīra-bhadra andᅠ the eight Bhairavas andᅠ Khaṇḍo-bā etc. RTL. 266 are sometimes regarded as forms of him;
    he is especially worshipped at Benares andᅠ has even more names than Vishṇu,
    one thousand andᅠ eight being specified in the 69th chapter of the Ṡiva-Purāṇa andᅠ in the 17th chapter of the Anuṡāsana-parvan of the Maha-bhārata, some of the most common being Mahā-deva, Ṡambhu, Ṡaṃkara, Īṡa, Īṡvara, Mahêṡvara, Hara;
    his sons are Gaṇêṡa andᅠ Kārttikeya) ĀṡvṠr. MBh. Kāv. etc.. RTL. 73 ;
    a kind of second Siva (with Ṡaivas), a person who has attained a partic. stage of perfection orᅠ emancipation MBh. Sarvad. ;
    ṡiva-liṅga L. ;
    any god L. ;
    a euphemistic N. of a jackal (generally ṡivā f. q.v.);
    sacred writings L. ;
    (in astron.) N. of the sixth month;
    a post for cows (to which they are tied orᅠ for them to rub against) L. ;
    bdellium L. ;
    the fragrant bark of Feronia Elephantum L. ;
    Marsilia Dentata L. ;
    a kind of thorn-apple orᅠ = puṇḍarīka (the tree) L. ;
    quicksilver L. (cf. ṡiva-bīja);
    a partic. auspicious constellation L. ;
    a demon who inflicts diseases Hariv. ;
    = ṡukra m. kāla m. vasu m. L. ;
    the swift antelope L. ;
    rum, spirit distilled from molasses L. ;
    buttermilk L. ;
    a ruby L. ;
    a peg L. ;
    time L. ;
    N. of a son of Medhâtithi MārkP. ;
    of a son of Idhma-jihva BhP. ;
    of a prince andᅠ various authors ( alsoᅠ with dīkshita, bhaṭṭa, paṇḍita, yajvan, sūri etc.) Cat. ;
    of a fraudulent person Kathās. ;
    (du.) the god Ṡiva andᅠ his wife Kir. V, 40 Pracaṇḍ. I, 20 ;
    (cf. Vām. V, 2, 1);
    pl. N. of a class of gods in the third Manvantara Pur. ;
    of a class of Brāhmans who have attained a partic. degree of perfection like that of Ṡiva MBh. ;
    (ā) f. Ṡiva's wife ( alsoᅠ ṡivī) seeᅠ ṡivā below ;
    (am) n. welfare, prosperity, bliss ( āya, éna orᅠ ébhis, « auspiciously, fortunately, happily, luckily» ;
    ṡivāyagamyatām, « a prosperous journey to you!») RV. etc. etc.;
    final emancipation L. ;
    water L. ;
    rock-salt L. ;
    sea-salt L. ;
    a kind of borax L. ;
    iron L. ;
    myrobolan L. ;
    Tabernaemontana Coronaria L. ;
    sandal L. ;
    N. of a Purāṇa (= ṡiva-purāṇa orᅠ ṡaiva) Cat. ;
    of the house in which the Pāṇḍavas were to be burnt MārkP. ;
    of a Varsha in Plaksha-dvīpa andᅠ in Jambu-dvīpa Pur. ;
    - शिवकण्ठमलिका
    - शिवकर
    - शिवकर्णामृत
    - शिवकर्णी
    - शिवकवच
    - शिवकाञ्ची
    - शिवकान्ता
    - शिवकान्ती
    - शिवकामदुघा
    - शिवकारिणी
    - शिवकिंकर
    - शिवकीर्तन
    - शिवकुण्ड
    - शिवकुसुमाञ्जलि
    - शिवकृष्ण
    - शिवकेशादिपादान्तवर्णनस्तोत्र
    - शिवकेसर
    - शिवकोपमुनि
    - शिवकोश
    - शिवक्षेत्र
    - शिवखण्ड
    - शिवगङ्गा
    - शिवगण
    - शिवगति
    - शिवगया
    - शिवगायत्री
    - शिवगीता
    - शिवगुप्तदेव
    - शिवगुरु
    - शिवघर्मज
    - शिवंकर
    - शिवचक्र
    - शिवचतुःश्लोकीव्याख्या
    - शिवचतुर्दशी
    - शिवचन्द्र
    - शिवचम्पू
    - शिवचरित्र
    - शिवचित्त
    - शिवजी
    - शिवज्ञ
    - शिवज्ञान
    - शिवज्योतिर्विद्
    - शिवतत्त्व
    - शिवतन्त्र
    - शिवतम
    - शिवतर
    - शिवता
    - शिवताण्डव
    - शिवताति
    - शिवताल
    - शिवतीर्थ
    - शिवत्व
    - शिवदण्डक
    - शिवदत्त
    - शिवदयालु
    - शिवदयासहर्स्र
    - शिवदशक
    - शिवदायिन्
    - शिवदारु
    - शिवदास
    - शिवदिश्
    - शिवदीक्षा
    - शिवदीन
    - शिवदूतिका
    - शिवदूती
    - शिवदृष्टि
    - शिवदेव
    - शिवदैव
    - शिवद्युमणिदीपिका
    - शिवद्रुम
    - शिवद्विष्टा
    - शिवधनुर्वेद
    - शिवधर्म
    - शिवधातु
    - शिवधार
    - शिवधारिणी
    - शिवध्यानपद्धति
    - शिवनक्षत्रपुरुषव्रत
    - शिवनक्षत्रमालिका
    - शिवनाथ
    - शिवनाभि
    - शिवनामावली
    - शिवनामाष्टोत्तरशत
    - शिवनारायण
    - शिवनिर्माल्यभक्षण
    - शिवनिर्वाणस्तोत्र
    - शिवपञ्चमुखध्यान
    - शिवपञ्चवदनस्तोत्र
    - शिवपञ्चाक्षरस्तोत्र
    - शिवपञ्चाक्षरी

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > शिव

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